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Beyond the Board Podcast

Welcome to the “Beyond the Board” podcast where Grandmaster Marc Arnold and Olympic mindset coach Doc Ali help you take on chess and life with the strategic prowess of a grandmaster and the mental toughness of an Olympian. Join us for insightful interviews with chess champions, self-improvement gurus, sports stars, neuroscientists, and others who have mastered the art of the mental game. We'll share tips and tricks on how to stay cool under pressure, bounce back from setbacks, and emerge victorious both on and off the chessboard. Whether you're a seasoned chess player or just looking to level up your life skills, “Beyond “the Board is the podcast for you. So grab your chessboard, and let’s get your game on like the warrior you are!

Super Admins

United States
Joined May 17, 2023


Mira | European Union
Joined May 17, 2023