
97 Members
All Events played
616 All Events Played
Team events won
263 Team Events Won

Chess960 Society

Here at Chess960 Society, we play team matches, vote chess, tournaments, and club championships such as TMCL. We've been a strong team for over a decade, and we're looking for players 1400+ to join our team if they have timeouts under 5%, have been on 6+ months, and are active.

NOTE: We are a VERY active team ONLY looking for active members. We used to have over 700 members, and we have removed over 550 members for inactivity in the past two years.

We also have a team maximum of 100 players in an attempt to keep our team active. This means that there are two spots currently left in our team!

We have a strict policy against cheaters, and we report all members whom we suspect of cheating. This policy has kept us with only 1 cheater in the last two years.

Super Admins

Joined Jan 2, 2019