
112 Members
All Events played
30 All Events Played
Team events won
11 Team Events Won

Colle System

The Colle System (Colle–Koltanowski and Colle-Zukertort) is a Queen Pawn opening. The typical plan is as follows: 1.d4 2.Nf3 3.e3 4.Bd3 5.0-0 6.Re1 7.c3 (CK) or 7.b3 (CZ). It is a solid system based on solid piece placement.  We will also play the Reversed Stonewall where White delays the King's Knight to allow f4.  Our goals are to play thematic vote chess games and team matches using presets of our opening lines.


Super Admins

Charles Iken | United States
Joined Jul 6, 2013