
40 Members
All Events played
30 All Events Played
Team events won
12 Team Events Won

Cyclist Union

Note: This is NOT the B1Z hub. Any inappropriate jokes, and I kick you until you apologize. Not kidding around for this.

Jack brought his world-changing idea into the world, and he entrusted me to take care of and nourish his philosophy after he closed. And I will.


In order to join, you must write a (very very) small essay about why you think you're a cyclist and not a pedestrian. At least a paragraph.


If you want to create a better backround for this club, pm me a photo.


Basically, we challenge the pedestrians, club made by 25GSchatz22, to duels and all that. A constant war with things both chess related, and non-chess related. The selection will be smaller than the pedestrian club, which will allow any old pedestrian to join. We are better than the pedestrians, so we expect more.


Also note, again: No dirty jokes. Kids might join, and I don't want their minds ruined. This isn't gonna be like the B1Z hub.



(If you don't like Jack_Roach dividing the world into pedestrians and cyclists and are only here to criticize, then just don't join.)

Super Admins

The Rodent Capablanca | Missouri, Poland
Joined May 11, 2021
United States
Joined May 12, 2021


achevenki, Iceland
Joined May 11, 2021
Wakanda, St. Kitts & Nevis
Joined May 12, 2021
unknown, Trinidad & Tobago
Joined May 20, 2021
Your Average Caro-Kann Player | Not Actually In Norway, Norway
Joined Aug 15, 2021

Event Coordinators

C G | United States
Joined May 20, 2021
Joined Aug 26, 2021