
60 Members
All Events played
3 All Events Played
Team events won
1 Team Event Won

Learning Chess Club

The Learning Chess Club is an open club for those looking to meet new players who are beginners,intermediate, and advanced players. The club's purpose is to create a community here on that can help everyone in it to grow and develop as chess players and chess community members. There is an emphasis on game analysis and daily chess as it accommodates everyone very well. 

We participate in daily club tournaments, and inner discord where we can share games, opening theory, videos and learning resources, and other chess related articles or objects of discussion so that the club learns and works together!


!!This will be a positive and helpful community, family friendly and will permanently ban anyone who is considered problematic or offensive. Cheating will also be grounds for removal!!


(Club picture by Piotr Makowski on Unsplash)

(Club background picture free to use)

Super Admins

Joel | United States
Joined Feb 19, 2020


Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Joined Mar 11, 2020
Frank Serrano | FL, United States
Joined Jun 18, 2020