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Muslims and the modern chess

هذه دعوه لتوحيد المسلمين على الموقع ولنغير نظره العالم عن المسلمين ونوضح للجميع الصفات الحقيقيه للمسلم وهى على سبيل المثال المحبه والامانه والسلام مع الاديان الاخرى اخوكم عبدالله This is a call to unite Muslims on the site and change the world view of Muslims and show everyone the true qualities of a Muslim, for example, love, honesty and peace with other religions Your brother Abdullah

Super Admins

i respect all peoples, Egypt
Joined Aug 16, 2011
mohammed bateka | cairo, Egypt
Joined Oct 3, 2011


Hisham Anwer | Cairo, Egypt
Joined Aug 24, 2011