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Serling appeared in an art gallery setting and introduced the macabre tales that made up each episode by unveiling paintings (by artist Thomas J. Wright) that depicted the stories. Night Gallery regularly presented adaptations of classic fantasy tales by authors such as H. P. Lovecraft, as well as original works, many of which were by Serling himself.Bolstering Serling’s thoughtful original dramas were adaptations of classic genre material. Variety of material brought with it a variety of tone, from the deadly serious to the tongue-in-cheek, stretching the television anthology concept to its very limits Unlike the series, in which the paintings merely accompanied an introduction to the upcoming story, the paintings themselves actually appeared in the three segments, serving major or minor plot functions

Super Admins

thumbelina milestone | London, United Kingdom
Joined Jan 14, 2014


Deke Bugsy Williams | Washington DC, United States
Joined Jan 14, 2014
Kenneth Allan | Dallas, United States
Joined Jan 31, 2014