
47 Members
All Events played
53 All Events Played
Team events won
10 Team Events Won

Night Owl Smokers

Just wanted to see whom within chess marijuana is a part of their lives. Whether it's for medicinal use or recreation, no matter. This isn't meant to be a "hippie"-type, Cypress Hill, growing-tips group. Just regular people who all have at least one thing in common (and maybe play their best chess when within it's dominion!). All welcome with all ratings. We're growing quickly and want to get a few more players to join our ranks! Intra- and inter-squad matches and tournaments. Let's get high, get together and play some Chess! Thank you in advance for reading the group description and especially for joining.

Super Admins

Antwion Dowell | The Dirty Glove, United States
Joined Nov 7, 2015


cris | Germany
Joined Sep 26, 2015