
11 Members
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Team OTB

This is a COMPETITIVE team consisting of only chess players who play OTB style (in other words, we treat online correspondence games as "real" OTB tournament games). OTB players play correspondence chess with no analysis boards or reference books or people to ask for help. Playing not OTB-tourney style is entirely within rules but we feel better and more comfortable playing in this style. Please join if you feel the same way too, and want to play team matches in addition. PLEASE NOTE: Team OTB is not associated with "Circle of Trust OTB" or "< PRAXIS >" although some of our members are also part of these groups.

Super Admins

gabriel murray | on the road to nowhere!, Ireland
Joined Sep 10, 2011


Jascha Heifetz Stankevičius | Vilnius, Lithuania
Joined Sep 6, 2011
Hans-Joachim Dietrich (CoT OTB) | Eisenach, Germany
Joined Sep 6, 2011