
40 Members
All Events played
11 All Events Played
Team events won
2 Team Events Won

The Chess Savages

Hello everyone, this is a club full of Active (I mean, you can still be Inactive, that's ok...)If you are looking for a place to learn, participate in tournaments, chat, and willing to advertise this club to help it's growth... Well, then this is the place for you.  


Try to invite people with a rapid rating of 850+. It is ok to be lower though, so no worries.

link to invite people - 

The Rules Include

  1. Be active
  2. Don't use this club to advertise other clubs 
  3. No spamming 
  4. No cussing
  5. Don't ask to be SA
  6. Admins and Coordinators must first ask an SA before they kick, demote, ban, or mute anyone (unless it is an emergency)
  7. Be appropriate 
  8. Oh, almost forgot!     Try To Have Fun happy.png

Super Admins

Join The Chess Savages | United States
Joined Dec 16, 2020
Husbands house house, United States
Joined Dec 16, 2020


Puerto Rico
Joined Jan 19, 2021

Event Coordinators

Dylan oof Beachum | United States
Joined Dec 16, 2020
United States
Joined Feb 8, 2021