
78 Members
All Events played
41 All Events Played
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11 Team Events Won

The Morphy Knights of Honor Club

Few dispute that Paul Morphy was the world's best chess player during the mid-19th century. He repudiated any professional pretensions, insisting chess to be "merely an enjoyable game." In this spirit, the Morphy Knights of Honor Club will provide a forum where interested players can explore Morphy's brilliance, as well as that of other past and present masters. Moreover, this is a club for those who wish to improve their skills. In our forum, we will discuss chess tips and principles. All activities within the club will be conducted in an honorable fashion. The club also provides team and vote team matches. Come and be a part of the Morphy Knights of Honor Club.

Super Admins

John Clark | Victorville, United States
Joined Sep 30, 2009


Morphy Paul | Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Joined Oct 24, 2009