
Happy birthday furiousdragons!! @Furiousdragons May god bless you Wish you a more positive life and a more happy year ahead.... You understand me like nobody else. Thank you always being there to listen. . I am so thankful and happy that we are best friends. Guys also put Happy birthday in @Furiousdragons notes 😂(your wish) Stay blessed be blessed by the divine And make this a very Happy day for you Thank you @Ritheeshchess
Ritheeshchess Oct 21, 2020
ok so many of you hate me due to my attitude.(i am not sure) So everyone I am deeply sorry for what I have done Very sorry pls apologize my haters because the enemies only push people to success thats a good quote you need to keep in your mind as enemies are also useful at times THANK YOU @Ritheeshchess
Ritheeshchess Oct 21, 2020
1.Garry Kasparov 2.Mikhail Tal 3.Magnus Calsen 4.Jose Raul Capablanca Hi friends,vote for one of your favourite chess player among them...
LiamWalker6 Oct 20, 2020
If you look at Capablanca’s games superficially you may get the impression that his moves were easy and that perhaps even you could have played them. But this would have been very deceiving. By carefully analyzing his games you will start to see that every “easy” move had a very concrete reason behind it and without understanding (and calculating) this reason it is impossible to play that move. The elegance of Capablanca’s play consists of exactly that. It appears easy and natural and it is, but only by deep analysis do you start to appreciate the depth and inner logic of his play. There is also quite a lot of precise calculation involved. The precise calculation in endgames is something that I feel needs a bit of clarification. When you are realizing an advantage it is of vital importance to take a look at almost all reasonable options of your opponent. This is important in order to avoid unpleasant surprises by a move you may have missed. If you are unlucky that missed move may just be the move that refutes your intended plan. So the procedure is as following: you decide you want to play a move; then you determine all of your opponent’s reasonable moves; only then you start calculating and checking every single one of them. Usually, the number of moves that you need to look ahead is small. Very often it will be 1-2 moves ahead, the typical “he goes there, I go here and I win a pawn.” This means that you will need to look at a lot of moves for your opponent, but the lines won’t be very deep. Width is more important than depth in this case. This process will enable you to keep control. The control means that you won’t be surprised by any move your opponent plays and you will also have prepared a reply to every single one of them. The only exception to the above is when you deal with forcing lines, then obviously the depth will depend on the length of the forcing variation. But as it usually is the case with forcing variations, these are easy to calculate exactly because they are forcing. It is a long process to obtain a good technique of realization of an advantage, but here I’d like to summarise the most important aspects that will likely help you towards that goal. Pay attention to your opponent’s active ideas. Always ask yourself why he made that move. Try to improve your position and worsen your opponent’s. Take it gradually – as long as you’re improving the position, you’re most likely on the right track. Try to keep control. This is achieved by precise calculation of several options. Usually, the calculated lines are short (1-4 moves). Going forward is done by advancing “all together”. Be concrete and create threats.
More cool backgrounds to show u: THESE ARE MY BACKGROUNDS!!THANK YOU!!@Ritheeshchess Hi guys instead of riddles i have posted jokes please do see them thank you
TheRisingTiger Oct 16, 2020
Hello! The platypus is one of my favorite animals (beside the duck )! Here are some facts!: - The platypus is a semi-aquatic mammal with an unusual appearance. It is duckbilled, has webbed feet, a tail that resembles a beaver's, and otter-like fur. It's found only in Australia, in rivers and streams. - Platypuses are one of the two mammals that lay eggs. They lay about 2 - 4 eggs. - The average length of a platypus is about 50 cm (for a male), and weigh about 1 to 2.4 kg. - They can live more than 12 yrs, and their predators include water rats, hawks, and eagles, as well as owls. - The platypus is a great swimmer and can dive on average for around 30 sec. Most fun facts : - The foot of a male platypus actually contains venom! - Platypuses close their eyes + ears when under water! - The platypus eats about 20% of its weight per day! - They are usually nocturnal! And.... My favorite fact : - The platypus sleeps (on average) 14 hours a day!!
queenflora Oct 15, 2020
lol Now some of you will be angry with me😐 so sorry for that but for nature Lovers I have another cool background for you Credit: The Finnish Lakelands- Finland THANK YOU Ritheeshchess
Arjun8030 Oct 15, 2020 please comment if u like not forcing u guys
TheRisingTiger Oct 13, 2020
kushagr_11 Oct 11, 2020
I got this explicit nature background this will be such a good nature background from the tortuguero national park, Costa Rica THANK YOU Ritheeshchess
Aida_Amin Oct 10, 2020
This background is soooooooo gooood and it suits for the club PLS MAKE THIS AS THE NEW CLUB BACKGROUNDPLS!!!!!!
Ritheeshchess Oct 9, 2020
We are organising an bullet league called BBC league (Bullet beating corona) Let me tell you more about this league this league is organised only by @assamb19723 in this league you have to register your clubs as it is an inter club league Procedure Each club should have minimum 3members and maximum 5 members for the match for more updates you have to join this club after you join u will see a forum in which it is written register here and there u have to register
Anindo_The_PRO Oct 9, 2020