
Если есть сомневающиеся на тему сдавать игру или нет, посмотрите на мою игру с Sheyra ( я поздравил противника с победой (его ход, Ладья на g5 мат). Не стал сдавать, думаю, пусть поставит мат, заслужил, день жду, другой, а потом смотрю - по времени я выиграл. На волосок от смерти, как говорится.
Lapserdag Apr 17, 2012
Hi everyone, First of all, I would like to congrat you all for the excellent perfomance in our Team Matches, we already have 114 Points and ranked #604 of 4,175 (86%)!! That is very good, but we can do more!! In our current match against Post-Soviet we are Loosing, and we have 2 pending matches to close. I will try to follow up these matches and will send yo uan update at least once a week.
Here interesting archives and chess games of the World Chess Championship history where the Soviet Union had long influeced in You can see all the WC matches by clicking previous and next on the top of the page. Enjoy!
LostEmperor Aug 6, 2010