
🪓 2023 Standard FFA World 4 Player Chess Championships 🏆 Season 5 ⚔️ (DISCUSSION)


Hey Everyone,
Thank you all once again for participating and watching the World 4 Player Chess Championships (W4PCC)! will be hosting the first New Standard Solo/FFA W4PCC commencing Thursday, June 15, 2023.

Schedule of the 2023 Standard FFA W4PCC:

June 15 00:00 UTC: The top 12 from FFA rapid leaderboard are selected as the first 12 candidates. Those candidates will qualify for Round 2 and play in any of the June 25 time slots (0:00, 12:00, 16:00, or 20:00 UTC) on a first come first serve basis. Only the top 3 will be guaranteed their first choice. Players on the leaderboard will be messaged and expected to reply prior to June 16 00:00 UTC with their preferences of times they would like to compete on June 24, in order. Replacements will be #13-20 in order from that leaderboard, and then the highest rated player following* the Tournament Director (TD) or referee in charge.

June 17-18 00:00, 12:00, 16:00, and 20:00 UTC:
8x 3-hour 1+5 Rapid 2400+ qualifier arenas, top 2 each arena qualify. Games will be rated and anonymous. Players that fall below 2400 Rapid during the Arena can still complete the arena. While the arenas are 1+5 (normally a blitz time control), they are treated as Rapid Ratings for these arenas. Arena scoring will be 3-1-1-0. Streak bonuses will be removed.

June 24 (Round 1) 00:00, 12:00, 16:00, and 20:00 UTC:
16 players that qualified from the arenas (or substitutes thereof) will battle to 4 in first-to-1.25. 4 on June 24 00:00 UTC, 4 on June 24 12:00 UTC, 4 on June 24 16:00 UTC, and 4 on June 24, 20:00 UTC. Replacements will be #3 through last place from the arena the no-show player qualified from, and then the highest rated player following* the TD or referee. Games will be rated, semi-anonymous, and 1+7.

June 25 (Round 2) 00:00, 12:00, 16:00, and 20:00 UTC:
The 4 that advance (1 per time slot) will join the 12 leaderboard candidates (3 each time slot) in a first-to-1.25. Replacements from the leaderboard were discussed above, but replacements from June 24 will be in order from #2-4 from that time slot, and then the highest rated player following* the TD or referee. Games will be rated, semi-anonymous, and 1+7.

July 1-2 (Finals) 18:00 UTC:
The final four will play for the Championship in a best-of-9 (first-to-2.25) with a maximum of 5 games per day. Games will be rated, semi-anonymous, and 1+7.
See the following diagrams to hopefully clear up confusion:

For all games, pawns promote on the 8th to a 1-point queen, and the en passant and dead king walk modes will be enabled.

*following is defined as in the same spectator/game chat as the TD/referee on duty at the 15th minute after the hour of the match time. To find the spectator/game chat that the TD (fourplayerchess) or referee is in, please click their profile in the Variants Server and then click "Observing".

Prize Money Disclaimer:
It's a pleasure to announce our first New Standard championship was already approved for funding with $1000 from for the 2023 Standard FFA World Champion. Please understand this may take days, weeks, or a month or two to process. The tournament director may refer questions regarding prize money to staff/support. Only one player will be awarded prize money, and that player must agree to use the email directly linked to his/her account to find the link to the Prize Money when Awarded. Please note that the link may appear in your junk/trash/spam folder, so be sure to check those soon after you win the Championship!

A detailed handbook will be organized and updated for this championship soon. This was worked out after discussion with other administrators and details may be edited in the next few days after further discussion with the community. @spacebar will be the Assistant Tournament Director for this championship! Other Admins and Staff may be referees. Discussion feedback may be taken into consideration but is not guaranteed. This Championship is not to be confused with the 2023 Original FFA W4PCC, which takes place May 20-June 11.

Preliminaries and Finals will be broadcasted on . We look forward to seeing you play in the championship! Best of luck to all players trying out!

Luke Romanko
W4PCC Tournament Director


thank you I look forward to it



So for someone who is not among the very-top elite (i.e. between 2400 and 2900, currently), in order to join the final stages, will have:

- to win (or to be 2nd) in an Arena, i.e. to be reasonably good,

- to win a match against 3 other reasonably good players...

After what his/her sufferings will only begin as he/she will join Arseny, Rojitto, Radon, Reasons, Jbolea... Ok, Ok...



Looks like a compromise is made


Also, is 1|5 going to be considered a rapid time control in the arena? (It’s a blitz control)

ChessMasterGS wrote:

Also, is 1|5 going to be considered a rapid time control in the arena? (It’s a blitz control)

Spacebar put in a feature that allows it to only be effective as Rapid during that arena.


Nice that your makin this!


wow nice, all those changes, make much more sense, great job Luke

vrdtmr wrote:

wow nice, all those changes, make much more sense, great job Luke

Don't be confused, it's a NEW event, IN ADDITION to the Original Championship (Old Standard). We are lucky to have both (and you are lucky to be able to take part in both; my side, I have to improve my FFA Rapid rating first and it's unlikely I'll make it to 2600 within 1 week, was 2585 10 days ago but dropped a lot since).

Indipendenza wrote:
vrdtmr wrote:

wow nice, all those changes, make much more sense, great job Luke

Don't be confused, it's a NEW event, IN ADDITION to the Original Championship (Old Standard). We are lucky to have both (and you are lucky to be able to take part in both; my side, I have to improve my FFA Rapid rating first and it's unlikely I'll make it to 2600 within 1 week, was 2585 10 days ago but dropped a lot since).

I dont get it, so we will have two champs at the same time ? what's the difference?


YES, there are 2 different events (the difference: 1st one, very HL - 2600 are needed -, open to just 70-80 players, with arenas only, and OS ; 2nd: open to about 300 players 2400+ and NS). Overall there will be visibly 4 champs this year (in addition to these 2 ones, I imagine, Teams Rapid and Solo Blitz or Bullet).


teams when


are games streamed on twitch and streamer?

I might like to watch other games.

CricketAusTest wrote:

are games streamed on twitch and streamer?

I might like to watch other games.

@chuckmoulton, @Radon, @Jonas_Rath, and some others are some of the spectator streamers this year for the Old Standard championship happening right now, although they will probably be playing in this championship; @fourplayerchess usually broadcasts the finals but depending on if allows it or not, it might be on a channel instead


Can we have any insight into how many 3000+ players there are who are inactive?

It would be a shame to be #10 on the leaderboard and then numerous players suddenly play 2 games to get back onto the leaderboard and qualify.

icy wrote:

Can we have any insight into how many 3000+ players there are who are inactive?

It would be a shame to be #10 on the leaderboard and then numerous players suddenly play 2 games to get back onto the leaderboard and qualify.

at least 4 wink.png

LiquidFyre wrote:
icy wrote:

Can we have any insight into how many 3000+ players there are who are inactive?

It would be a shame to be #10 on the leaderboard and then numerous players suddenly play 2 games to get back onto the leaderboard and qualify.

at least 4

Who are these players?

icy wrote:
LiquidFyre wrote:
icy wrote:

Can we have any insight into how many 3000+ players there are who are inactive?

It would be a shame to be #10 on the leaderboard and then numerous players suddenly play 2 games to get back onto the leaderboard and qualify.

at least 4

Who are these players?

Good question.


rojitto: 3339

Radon: 3203

HSCCCalebbrown: 3141

Hest1805: 3137

Eyeofthetiger1204: 3125

jbolea: 3119

Cha_charealsmooth: 3118

Riba: 3113

Arseny_Vasily: 3103

Gudadev: 3097

SleepyFox_4: 3093

carlosgabriel1234: 3077


DonnieLinton: 3057

icy: 3034

Grathieben: 3032

a1t19: 3020

LiquidFyre: 3019

Couple notes: I've probably missed someone, so it would be nice if an admin could confirm this, both for this event and for general interest. Rojitto is really running away with the rating baton, generally. Also, presumably, some players won't participate/play the games to qualify. I won't, and I would be shocked if Hest1805, at the very least, did (so that's at least two). That would put in, in theory, DonnieLinton and you, icy.


Why won't you play?