
Announcing the 2021 (Third) Online World 4 Player Chess SOLO Championship! (DISCUSSION)

Hey Everyone,
Thank you all once again for participating and watching the World 4 Player Chess Championships (W4PCC)! will be hosting the third Solo W4PCC commencing Saturday, May 15, 2021.
Requirements for participation:
  • 1600+ Standard Rapid/Blitz Solo Rating, with over 20 Standard Rapid/Blitz Solo games 
  • An account registered before 1st May 2021 (Exception: Titled Players)
  • No recent severe infractions on, before or during the championship
  • You must play on your main account if you have multiple staff-approved accounts
There are three ways of qualifying: 1) Defending World Champion 2) Arenas 3) Leaderboard 4) 4-Week Performance Evaluation

1) Defending World Champion
The Defending World Champion (the winner of the previous World 4PC Solo Championships) will be selected to play in the Preliminaries at a time he/she and the Tournament Director agree upon, and the finals will be scheduled in advance based on the agreements as well. In the event that the Defending World Champion declines to participate or withdraws, the next player on the Standard Solo Rapid/Blitz Top 20 Leaderboard on May 30th 18:00 UTC will be selected. The Defending World Champion agrees that if he/she participates in a Qualifier Arena, he/she will lose the spot as a Defending World Champion and must qualify through Arenas, and the next person on the May 30th 18:00 UTC Leaderboard will be selected. Should not enough players from the Leaderboard be able to participate, the next players in Top 100 Performance will be selected. Should not enough from Performance, then, be able to participate, the next highest rated player online will be selected.

This year's Defending World Champion will play in the Preliminaries at 16:00 UTC Saturday, June 12, 2021 versus the Top 3 in the Leaderboard, and the Finals are scheduled Saturday, June 26, 2021 and Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 18:00 UTC. The Defending World Champion must continue to meet basic eligibility requirements.

2) Arenas:
This championship will consist of anonymous, 1-point queen, 1 minute with 5 second increment (1|5) Solo games. There will be 8 Qualifier Arenas, duration 2 hours each. The minimum rating requirement for these arenas is 1600. Arena times are as follows (UTC):
May 15 - 16:00, 20:00
May 16 - 16:00, 20:00
May 22 - 16:00, 20:00
May 23 - 16:00, 20:00
Participants may play in as many arenas they like. 8 players will be selected from these arenas to play in the 2021 W4PCC Solo Preliminaries as follows:
  • The winner of each arena will be selected to play on Sunday, June 13, 2021 at the time in UTC of the arena in which he/she qualified.
  • These players must provide their first and last name and country of origin on their profile, and must provide a webcam/screen-share if requested at any time during the semi-finals or finals.
  • Players can play in as many Qualifier Arenas as they want until they Qualify. Qualifiers must agree to cease playing further Qualifier Arenas.
  • The top 10 players of each arena will be made publicly known, and eliminated players may be called upon during the preliminaries or finals as a replacement.
  • In the event that a qualifying player does not want to, or cannot play in a prelim, the next online player in that arena the player qualified from will be asked to take their place. This means that the top 10 players of each arena have a chance of playing in the preliminaries if they are online at the time of the preliminaries. Replacements will have their scores set to match the withdrawing player's score in the event that a player withdraws mid-match.
  • In the rare event that no players participate in an Arena, that slot will be filled by the next Performance Rating, and then by highest rating, similarly to how this is discussed in 1).
 3) Leaderboard
A screenshot will be posted of the Top 20 leaderboard from the Solo Standard/Rapid category at 18:00 UTC May 30, 2021. For further purposes, this will be the definition of "Leaderboard". The highest rated active three players in that Leaderboard will be selected. Rating Deviations will be recorded in the event that Performance Calculations cannot be taken. The Bracket in which the Leaderboard Category takes place is against the Defending World Champion (or replacement thereof) at 16:00 UTC Saturday, June 12, 2021.
  • These players must provide their first and last name and country of origin on their profile, and must provide a webcam/screen-share if requested at any time during the semi-finals or finals.
  • The top 20 players of this Leaderboard will be made publicly known, and unselected players from this Leaderboard may be called upon during the preliminaries or finals as a replacement.
  • In the event that a qualifying player does not want to, or cannot play in a prelim, the next player on the Leaderboard will be asked to take their place. This means that the top 20 players of this Leaderboard have a chance of playing in the preliminaries if they are online at the time of the preliminaries. Replacements will have their scores set to match the withdrawing player's score in the event that a player withdraws mid-match.
  • In the rare event that not enough players from this Leaderboard can participate, that slot will be filled by the next Performance Rating, and then by highest rating, similarly to how this is discussed in 1).
4) Performance Evaluation
Performance Calculation is defined as the Performance Rating of the most recent 36 rated standard rapid/blitz Solo games played in the Month of May 2, 2021 18:00 UTC - May 30, 2021 18:00 UTC. The players must have played at least 36 rated standard rapid/blitz Solo games in this period or they will not be evaluated. Performance rating is calculated as follows:

Formula for selection: [(total opponents’ ratings) + 400 * (wins - [non-first-places divided by 3]) ] / 36  ; based on Performance Rating formula, which can be found on Wikipedia. Playing tough opponents (1900+ for example) and winning 70% of the time will favor a player over another who wins 100% of the time against only 1500's.

In a rare tiebreak for the last spot available, the higher rated of the two players will be selected.

The Bracket in which the Performance Category takes place takes place at 20:00 UTC Saturday, June 12, 2021.

Players with the lowest Rating Deviations from the Leaderboard will be selected in the event that Performance Calculations cannot be taken.
  • These players must provide their first and last name and country of origin on their profile, and must provide a webcam/screen-share if requested at any time during the semi-finals or finals.
  • The top 100 players of this Performance Category will be made publicly known, and unselected players from this Performance Category may be called upon during the preliminaries or finals as a replacement.
  • In the event that a qualifying player does not want to, or cannot play in a prelim, the next player on the Performance Rankings will be asked to take their place. This means that the top 100 players of the Performance Rankings have a chance of playing in the preliminaries if they are online at the time of the preliminaries. Replacements will have their scores set to match the withdrawing player's score in the event that a player withdraws mid-match.
  • In the rare event that not enough players from this Performance Rating category can participate, that slot will be filled by highest rating.

  • Upon qualifying for the Preliminaries, players must meet and agree with Championship / Prize Money Eligibility Terms & Conditions within a week of qualifying/being selected. By playing in these arenas, you agree that you meet the basic eligibility requirements.

Preliminaries are in a Best-of-5 (first to 1.25) anonymous, rated, 1|5, 1 point Queen Solo game. The winner will receive 1 whole point; the rest will receive zero. First place ties will be split amongst game-winning players. Here is the overview of when these preliminaries will take place:

Bracket 1: Champion/Leaderboard Bracket: Saturday, 06/12 at 16:00 UTC.
Bracket 2: Performance Bracket: Saturday, 06/12 at 20:00 UTC.
Bracket 3: Winners of 16 UTC times: Sunday, 06/13 at 16:00 UTC.
Bracket 4: Winners of 20 UTC times: Sunday, 06/13 at 20:00 UTC.

  • Players may be allowed to declare a short break at the discretion of the Tournament Director in addition to the 5 minutes between games. Players must hit Rematch.
  • Players will have to hit rematch within 5 minutes of the games ending. If the players fail to hit rematch, an administrator will reinvite them all and request that they accept. If they fail to accept within 3 minutes (or if they abort a started game) they will be Disqualified and a replacement player will be selected within 5 minutes.
  • In the event of a tiebreak for advancement to the final, the player who won the most recent game will win. In the rare event that all five (5) games are tied, the player who last moved right before the Draw is declared will be declared a Finalist.
  • Upon qualifying for the Preliminaries, players must meet and agree with Championship / Prize Money Eligibility Terms & Conditions within a week of qualifying/being selected.
  • In the event that a qualifying player does not want to, or cannot play in a final, the next ranked online player in the Bracket/Category this Withdrawn player came from will be selected. This means that the all eligible players may have a chance of playing in the final if they are online at the time of the final, and players prioritized above them are not selected. Replacements will have their scores set to match the withdrawing player's score in the event that a player withdraws mid-match.
The Final
The 2021 Solo W4PCC World Champion will earn a Prize! This will be a first-to-2.25 (best of 9) anonymous, rated, 1|5, 1 point Queen Solo game in which first-place ties split amongst winners of that game. Please note that the following times are SET :
  • Day 1 will start at 18:00 UTC Saturday, June 26. (5 game Cap)
  • Day 2 will start at 18:00 UTC Sunday, June 27. (Games 6-9 if necessary)
  • Players will be allowed to declare one (1) 10-minute-extra break (Timeout) in this entire final each in addition to the 5 minutes between games.
  • Players will have to hit rematch within 5 minutes of the games ending. If the players fail to hit rematch, an administrator will reinvite them all and request that they accept. If they fail to accept within 3 minutes (or if they abort a started game) they will go through the following penalty process: 1. Timeout deducted 2. Disqualification and a replacement player will be selected within 5 minutes.
  • In the event of a tiebreak, the player who won the most recent game will win. In the rare event that all nine (9) games are tied, the player who last moved right before the Draw is declared will be declared the Champion.
  • Upon qualifying for the Final, players must meet and agree with Championship / Prize Money Eligibility Terms & Conditions within a week of qualifying/being selected.
  • In the event that a qualifying player does not want to, or cannot play in a final, the next ranked online player in the Bracket/Category this Withdrawn player came from will be selected. This means that the all eligible players may have a chance of playing in the final if they are online at the time of the final, and players prioritized above them are not selected. Replacements will have their scores set to match the withdrawing player's score in the event that a player withdraws mid-match.

    Prize Money: The 2021 Solo W4PCC World Champion will provisionally be awarded $1000 from Please understand this may take days to process. Only one player will be awarded prize money, and that player must agree to use the email directly linked to his/her account to find the link to the Prize Money when Awarded. Please note that the link may appear in your junk/trash/spam folder, so be sure to check those soon after you win the Championship! 
We look forward to seeing you play in the championship! If there are any questions or errors or concerns or useful feedback, do not hesitate to message me or discuss in this forum.
Luke Romanko, W4PCC Director





lez go solo!



bruh I'm not even going to qualify to play in the arenas I've played 8 games and have a pathetic rating of 1527


"is declared will be declared the Champion" : language.

"Replacements will have their scores set to match the withdrawing player's score in the event that a player withdraws mid-match." OUCH. But fair probably. (But what if there is a technical issue, for instance a general power supply failure which happens in South Africa p.ex., and the leading player is replaced, and then someone else comes and wins the only remaining game?... Could be weird.

16h, 20h UTC: that makes it unplayable for most players from Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Nauru, Korea, Eastern Russia, and about 25 other countries... I am not concerned personally, but it doesn't look extremely fair. I suggest to put it at 16h in different time zones, as per statistical presence here. It's pretty easy to take countries of the top 1000 Solo players and to optimise it as for all 8 arenas, like: 3 for Western Europe, 3 for Americas, 1 for Asia (many Indian players...), 1 for Extreme East, etc. And you do it at 16h in the middle of the concerned area. Or give me the data and I can do it for you within 30 min. once I'm given the stats.


This must be big joke every all teamers collusion must be thrown out like this indipendenza. Only tournaments where blocked players are unable to join your games so make blocking inluding these villains con mans.

N4sse wrote:

This must be big joke every all teamers collusion must be thrown out like this indipendenza. Only tournaments where blocked players are unable to join your games so make blocking inluding these villains con mans.

Then I will take the time to personally block every single Solo player so that the arena is unable to progress.




N4sse, that's precisely why you have only 1691 in Solo bullet. After so many games you still do not know how to play Solo. You shouldn't take part in this competition, as it could create negative emotions for you again.


I will play and disqualify me if you want


lol I got 1600 in 3 games of Solo I'm playing this after I get my 20 games grin.png


I suck too much to play, but looking forward to watch!

angelo_5113 wrote:

I suck too much to play, but looking forward to watch!

Same here, but who is the Defending World Champion? 


John Cena


his profile is here: @JohnCena


Because he is so popular has disguised him, which is why it says the last time he's been online is 2008.

ChessMasterGS wrote:

Because he is so popular has disguised him, which is why it says the last time he's been online is 2008.

oh wow what a celebrity! I can't wait to watch this guy DEMOLISH 4pc champions! XD LMAO


Cool !



I will try to play happy.png


everyone knows my solo like skills