
Bughouse Tournaments


Sorry if this a repeat, or an 'impossible' task, but here's an idea. We have tournaments for every variant except bughouse. Is it possible to have a bug house tourney live? I recently came across a problem of several players resigning the game before it even started. Considering it was a partner match, it didn't look really good. If we did have bughouse tournaments, you could have an assigned partner which means more prizes and everything, and more options for partners incase your current one has bad sportsmanship. What do you all think?


It would be wonderful! Not sure if it is in the backlog yet or not but feel free to submit a suggestion  


Submitted, thanks happy.png


I know that is planning a bughouse championship, so maybe that will be coming soon.


It's planned. There are a LOT of questions though...

- are pairings random? or do you have to partner first to play? or allow randoms AND partners? 

- if randoms, do you stick with your partner the whole time? what if they drop out - do you forfeit? 

- would this even work in an arena format, or would it have to be swiss style? 

- if an odd number of people play, who gets kicked out? lowest rated?

It's not nearly as straightforward as regular tournaments....


- I think it should be random because two very high rated players may choose to partner up which might not be fair for others.

- Yes, you should probably should stick with your partner the entire time. Your forfeit question is tough though, I guess you would have to wait for another player to drop out?

- Arena style would be interesting, but i guess swiss should be tried out first.

-If there's an odd number of people, either the last person to join has to wait or gets kicked out. I don't think the lowest rated person should be kicked out due to an odd number of players because that might be degrading? 

You're right, bughouse tournaments are much harder to create, but considering's excellent staff and developers, I think it's possible happy.png


I think that for the bughouse championship, there should be fixed players and partners and if there are qualifiers the partners should be the same. I think that for these tournaments, there shouldn’t be any way to withdraw, because that would cause too many problems.


It would hard to not allow people to withdraw, because then they would just abandon the game.


I see that this is an old thread and as far as i can see, still no BH events. I see no problems with random partnerships throughout or random partners assigned at beginning or teams that enter together. There would be great value in BH tourneys since pairings seems to take a long time when I am just waiting for a game.

A thought is for matches where two teams commit to a certain number of games and thereby can play a lot of BH without waiting around.


There are now Bughouse tournamnets!