
Chess diagrams created with the new diagram editor dialog do not display correctly.


Chess diagrams created with the new diagram editor dialog do not display correctly.  One whole column seems to be missing in the Notation.


Could you post an image of the problem please?



I don't know, I've never seen this before, it could just be a visual glitch, have you tried refreshing the page.


I tried hard refreshing, tried clearing the cache in Firefox, but all diagrams in the Archive still have this bug in Beta. It is a new bug that seems to have appeared when they updated the diagram editor just recently.


I don't know I don't have this problem, hopefully they are working on it and it will be fixed soon


I have the problem in the Archive of vote games on both the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome on Windows. Leaving Beta fixes the problem, so it must be something specific to Beta. Are you on Windows?


I use Microsoft edge on windows


I have the same problem in the Archive section of ongoing vote chess games using MS Edge browser. I don't have any extensions installed on Edge, so it cannot be that.

Maybe it's something specific to the diagrams I'm posting. Do you have comments or nesting of subvariations in the diagrams in the Archive you are checking?


yes and no, it doesn't change for either


Hmm. Maybe the nesting is triggering it?


Can you link to some examples?


I posted diagrams each turn on the White side of this game:

and this

There are moves missing in every single diagram as far as I can see. Diagrams posted to the current turn of an ongoing game, I can see all of the moves. They just disappear when the turn finishes, and gets move to Archive.


Actually, the same bug appears in the Archives of all of my games going back years. It must be a bug in how Beta displays Archives generally, rather than some strange hidden code in the PGN of specific games.


I have no problems here


thats odd


it must only be on your side


are there any other factors that could influence it? settings or something?


In all three browsers? And no bugs in the current turn? It has to be something specific to Archives of vote chess games, but common to all webbrowsers. I'm running Windows 10 up to date.

I was wondering if the buggy code is propagating to certain mirrors on CDNs in Canada, but not in the U.S. We've seen that before one time. Code updates don't always get sent out to all mirrors at the same pace.


I'm not seeing any issues. Do you have specific moves and comments, for example the image you posted above?