
Chess Variant with Archers 🏹


As a recommendation of some members of the group, I present the variant in English.

It is my humble contribution to the world of chess variants.

Hello everyone, I present to you a variant that I created in March 2021 and I would like to know if you would like it to be included in this app. ♟️🏹

This is the link to the presentation of the variant in the written press.


I'm sending you some photos so you can get an idea of how it works.

In this variant, I have introduced only two "magic pieces", the
archers, both on the white and black sides.

The archers stand next to the king and queen, in the place occupied by the
bishops C1, F1, C8 and F8 squares.

The movement of these new pieces is similar to that of the bishops, that is, in


It is a "magic piece" and never better said, since it combines a DOUBLE POWER.

1- The archer, when capturing an opponent's piece, can do so
like the bishops

2- Has the power to capture (always diagonally)
jumping one or several pieces OF THE SAME COLOR AS HIM, which makes it a very useful piece and at the same time quite dangerous for the opponent.

With this possibility of capturing an opponent's piece, surpassing the
intermediate pieces of its color, I wanted to make a simile to the trajectory that
makes the arrow in the shape of a parabola when it is shot by the archer, when
tilt your bow slightly up. 🏹

If you have two enemy pieces at close, capture the first one you have on the diagonal.

We have to keep in mind that if the piece that the archer has within reach is the king, it is check. This maneuver is very valuable in attack and in the endings to get checkmate.

I think that archery chess 🏹 adds extra difficulty to conventional chess and can open 🔓 an interesting path of new openings, middlegames and endgames for players of all levels.

Why I invented Archers 🏹 for Chess?🤔

The origins of Chess and Chaturanga, the Indian game from which it comes, had a Elephant 🐘, a figure that jumped two squares diagonally. In the Middle Ages, muslim culture replaces it with the Al-fil and it no longer jumped. The Catholic Monarchs specified its shape, with the miter used by the bishops of the time.

“ What I have done is a fusion between the two pieces, Elephant / Bishop and the result is the Archer 🏹"

Greetings to the entire chess collective.


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Green_Sleeves escribió:

“Este hilo del foro ha sido identificado por cgabot como un tema de discusión."

La traducción si que lo había hecho, lo que no comprendo es el objetivo de ese mensaje.

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CGABot es un programa que escanea los hilos del foro para ver qué hilos cumplen con los requisitos para las variantes reales para revisar (ver este hilo), versus hilos para discutir variantes. Dado que el suyo no es algo que haya creado en las Variantes de, el bot lo etiquetó como un hilo de discusión.


In the opening the Archers 🏹 can work like the Bishops although they can scare the opponent at any time, especially if they are fiancetted.

In the middle game their tactical strength is more noticeable since they can open the position, clearing diagonals, easily shielding themselves with their pieces.

In the endings they become key pieces to finish off the game ++

Checkmate with Archer and Knight

Hi everyone.

Let's see if anyone dares to solve this tactical exercise with Archers 🏹!!

White moves and there is checkmate in 2.

It is not complicated, what I want to see is if you have understood how the Archers work.


1.Archer X f7+ 2.K f8 3.Archer e7?

1.Arquero X f7+ 2.K f8 3.Arquero e7?
bunbun_z escribió:

1.Archer X f7+ 2.K f8 3.Archer e7?

1.Arquero X f7+ 2.K f8 3.Arquero e7?


1. Axf7+ Kf8 2.Ae7# We can use the abbreviation A to define the Archer 🏹

There is also Checkmate in 1, can you find it?


cant figure it out

bunbun_z escribió:

cant figure it out

What can't you understand?

I give you a hint, the Archer from b3 attacks the squares e6 and f7.
Can you do something on f7?


I understand the archers, im just not good at puzzles


whats the solution?

bunbun_z escribió:

I understand the archers, im just not good at puzzles

With practice you will improve.

I'm glad you understand the archers.


I really want to know the solution


I'll wait and see if any club members want to solve the puzzle, okay?

You have done very well


ok, thanks


ima go offline, bye

bunbun_z escribió:

ima go offline, bye

Ok, Thanks for your contribution