
critical blunder move suggestion


similar to blunder but once you make this move, you will pay a very high price if you make this critical blunder thingy, but it will make blunder least effective. A critical blunder is when people make like miss a M1 or hanging pieces for nothing. I also want to change how blunder work this will be a critical blunder soon(kinda)
this is a normal blunder
And i suggest make critical blunder look like this:

If im's boss, i will add this critical blunder to the game

( you don't need to click in this link just look at the bottom and tell me if this is a good or horrible idea ok?)
Picture1 and 2:


I think it is a bad idea...


A blunder is a blunder no matter what...


It doesn't make a difference. A blunder is bad in general and should catch the eye of the person reviewing it(or the player). If he only recognizes "critical blunders" as really bad moves, he might treat blunders like we all treat innacuracies(just dismiss it). A blunder is still a bad move and needs to be recognized by the player. This seems like an idea that seems fit for players who are focused only on checking their absolute worst/best moves.


Agree with the others. As a player, the "degree" of a blunder is an extra layer that does not add any value. A blunder is a blunder.

AtleeDo wrote:

similar to blunder but once you make this move, you will pay a very high price if you make this critical blunder thingy, but it will make blunder least effective. A critical blunder is when people make like miss a M1 or hanging pieces for nothing. I also want to change how blunder work this will be a critical blunder soon(kinda)
this is a normal blunder
And i suggest make critical blunder look like this:
If im's boss, i will add this critical blunder to the game
( you don't need to click in this link just look at the bottom and tell me if this is a good or horrible idea ok?)
Picture1 and 2:

your idea alredy is in the game, your idea is the miss because is a victory missed


Kind of useless


You guys realise how many good moves there are? Ok move, excellent move good move brilliant move great move? Surely there should be more than mistake inaccuracy and blunder right?

Denny-mac wrote:

Yeah, a blunder to me is a game changer. What i would like is if you make a brilliant move, in the completed game section, the number of moves would be that aqua blue color.( the color of a brilliant move) This way, when you look at your list, those games are easily identifiable. Hope i explained that right.

AtleeDo wrote:

similar to blunder but once you make this move, you will pay a very high price if you make this critical blunder thingy, but it will make blunder least effective. A critical blunder is when people make like miss a M1 or hanging pieces for nothing. I also want to change how blunder work this will be a critical blunder soon(kinda)
this is a normal blunder
And i suggest make critical blunder look like this:
If im's boss, i will add this critical blunder to the game
( you don't need to click in this link just look at the bottom and tell me if this is a good or horrible idea ok?)
Picture1 and 2:

This is just a miss in game review

ppapbumbum wrote:

You guys realise how many good moves there are? Ok move, excellent move good move brilliant move great move? Surely there should be more than mistake inaccuracy and blunder right?

Great moves and brilliant moves are all just the best moves, they get a special mension because these specific best moves are very hard to find and play.


He says he the boss of Bro u only 700 rapid. And u say u boss plus u aren’t even a staff and in ur bio in Russian (I’m Russian) u said u are a grandmaster…