
Hexagonal chessboards


The boards consist of hexagonal fields. Usually everything is one and a half as many as on the rectangular board: each field has six sides instead of four, there are three field colours instead of two, and there are six natural directions instead of four. Pieces can usually move in one and a half times the directions than on the rectangular board.

Movement of the pieces:

Play here

Value of pieces:


Pawn: 1, Bishop: 3, Knight: 4, Rook: 7, Queen: 10


Pawn: 1, Bishop: 3, Knight: 3, Rook: 5, Queen: 9

Basic mates:

On a hexagonal board different basic checkmates work than on a rectangular board


nice concept


knights, queens, rooks and kings are all stronger.

The bishop is really weak. 


But then the pieces would need to be coded separately.


soon, there will have hexatrecontagonal chess!

(Hexatrecontagon is a polygon with 36 sides)



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