
How Humans v Non-Human Primates Differ


Interesting article about key differences that make humans cognitively different from non-human primate. What I find especially interesting (and relevant) is how more and more we are finding that the key differences are not in different genes in genomes (DNA) per se but the transcriptome (RNA and how RNA regulates gene expression). Put more simply, the differences are less due to different genes, and more due to how the *same* genes are expressed.


Expressed? As in arrangement?

TruthMuse wrote:

Expressed? As in arrangement?

As in what what physical features those genes convey.

What is it changing in the body?


If they are the same genes, then expressed in an arrangement, much like the letters of two books all have the same words in different order.


Humans are voracious toolmakers. Language is one of our tools. Other higher primates can speak to one another but in fairly rudimentary form. Many other animals make tools and use them but humans think in a different way. Humans think more symbolically, much of the time, as well as by manipulating images.