
Insert Pieces Here Strategies


This Variant will be used as our Variant Championships tournament here in the R2GM OVC. To Find the rules to this variant pleas click here:

Now, for strategies: I have 3 Tips here that I have detailed out, you can take it from there and create your own ideas. If you are willing to you can share some tips as well, that is if you are OK with losing your advantage of knowing grin.png

ONE: Where do I place my King?

I didn't study this variant too much, but after a little test I discovered that I am pretty sure you should place your king behind your pawns where your other pieces belong. Placing your king on the other side of your opponents pawns is not a good idea.

Placing the king on the 8th rank as white offers you several pawns to take right away, but there is a slight problem; After black places their king they can protect everything

And now white can do nothing, no matter what it is Mate in 1. This works the same way for black. So, we must conclude NOT to place your king in the opponent's back rank if you are white, but what about black? White would have already placed their king so they can't protect their pawns and thus you are still safe.
It is now White's turn again. If they decide to place a rook then Black will lose
Black will lose the game now because they just got checked and no matter what pawn Black takes it will then be checked by white's queen
The moves that bring us here are: Kxg2, Q@g1+, Kh3, Qg3#
So, what can we conclude will happen if you place your king in an unwise position?
With all of this said I would have to say the safest place for your king to be placed on move one has to be in your first rank with everything else. Putting your king in Rank 3,4,5 or 6 will probably result in a very bad situation for you.

TWO: What do I do next?
Now that we have established that we should put our king in our back rank we need to think of what move 2 should be. I have looked into this a little and found out that White can have a large advantage if they play the correct way.
Look at the below diagrams as I go through the moves that White can play to receive an advantage
White play Q@h3 which attacks the pawn on h7 as well as threatens to take the diagonal Qc8#.  What can Black do about this? Well, for one they player d5 after white played d4, this was a blunder. So, what move should black play? just about anything they do will cause a queen to come rampaging through.Well, I will be leaving this for you to find out, if you have someone to play OTB with, please do it will help a lot. I have a few ideas on how you can move your pawns just right to save most of them, but as black you will have the disadvantage.
THREE: A good Strategy For Black
Black has precisely three moves before White's Queen will possibly come through. This is plenty of time to setup your pieces and protect yourself
White can get there faster, though, which means black has to hurry. GOOD LUCK!




need some time to analysis

GM_multimortar4500 wrote:

need some time to analysis

precisely. I just played a couple games with my brother of it, it is actually pretty good


hey, i think ONLY WHITE can put their king on the back rank. because after the opposition is created, white can keep placing pieces with check and capturing the pieces that black blocks with and then end up with a few pawns advantage...

gullupakka wrote:

hey, i think ONLY WHITE can put their king on the back rank. because after the opposition is created, white can keep placing pieces with check and capturing the pieces that black blocks with and then end up with a few pawns advantage...

no, it is still not good.


also black can deploy pieces and block check, so they can place it in the opponents back rank i guess


i just don't understand....


in board #5 black can place pieces to block the checks...


in board #2 white can place pieces to check the king and then come out a few pawns up

gullupakka wrote:

in board #5 black can place pieces to block the checks...

Oh, that is the rule confusing you. Sorry.

The rule is that you NEED to place your piece At least a RANK behind one of your pawns. In that position black only has the 8th rank to place on.

The king can place anywhere, however. Does this answer the question?


so is it compulsary that the kings must be placed on the 1st and 8th ranks for white and black respectively? nice rule



gullupakka wrote:

so is it compulsary that the kings must be placed on the 1st and 8th ranks for white and black respectively? nice rule

You can place the king wherever you want, but the best place is in your own back rank. So, yeah... Anyone who is playing will probably place on their back rank