
We are going by 3 Check Ratings for this event Players 3 - Starting April 10, 2021 Place Players Score 1st @Nightly-Knight (1757) 2/2 2nd @wadesuess2 (1387) 2/2 3rd @xk50 (1508) 1/2 4th @MaskedNuisance (1035) 1/2 5th @quirky-Quabbit (339) 0/2 -- @angryspacevoid (1689) 0/1
30 seconds-the first player to bring 2 pawns to the 8th rank wins
Prince_USA May 4, 2021
Hi As you know, im co-founder from 8 player chess, which has some updates. 1. 8 player sandbox Bye bye paint, you have been replaced by a drag and drop website which downloads images. This includes a piece menu for placing more pieces, including fairy ones. 2. Official club This club is now official staff made it official. You should see an official checkmark when visiting the club 3. Needed checkmates for teams. Now, instead of having to mate 2 players in teams, you have to mate 3 4. Future change of piece colors, notation system and namings. We will soon change some things. We will switch Green-Purple-Orange and change the notation method on player indication to roman numerals, and change gamemode names FFA - Singles FFT - Pairs Teams will remain as teams. Thank you for reading this and make sure to join just to try a game. You can join an unrated singles game where you wont prejudice anyone else or lose rating. Try it out, now that its easier with the sandbox!
disclaimer i didnt come up with this henry the 8th chess club you can sacrifice you queen as much as you like but the first 4 moves if you dont sacrifice your queen you will loose
Hi! I am co-founder of the fast-growing variant "8 player chess" I would like to share it to you all: 1. Board This variant is played over a 24x24 board 2. Gamemodes there are 3 gamemodes: FFA - Free for all (goal: earn points and win) FFT - Free for Teams (goal: earn points and win) Teams (goal: checkmate the opponent team) 3. Variations There are many variations you can use in this variant. You can use one of the standard variations or create your own More information To play, join the 8 player chess club The club is going to become official. join or take a look Currently, we use a forum correspondence method with image editing. BUT, there is being developing a system by @ollie_g that allows drag-and-drop and creates the final image (available in a few weeks) and a complete app by me (featuring collective board, game chat and team chat, personal account, a categorized forum, etc.) We DO have a rating system created by me So, why to doubt? join now 8 player chess!
TheUltraTrap Apr 19, 2021
Please negotiate and post results here, thanks. this is the pairings:
Practical-Play Apr 15, 2021
Post your results here for Round 1 Games. LEADER BOARD NEGOTIATIONS PAIRINGS
Who wants to play? In this game you are not allowed to check your opponent unless it is a Checkmate you are delivering.
I’m kinda surprised NO1s else has thought of this b4! But anyway, here it is: pieces can share a square.
Simple! When pieces capture a piece, it gains the powers of the piece it captures.
Any piece can fly away and return at a different square.
If you are interested in finding a variant to play this forum will have the links to all the new variants that the members have created. Current Variants: Mirror Chess 3 Checks of The Hill Flying Pieces Grand Chess Insert Pieces here King Fight Stonewall Knights Counter check Minors vs. Majors All new variants that you make will be put here for all newcomers
every move the board mirrors. for example: white plays e4 black plays e5 and then the board mirrors, it would look like this: em passant does not apply. you can still promote. whites first move:
GM_Ultraplayer plays as white, Joseph7505 as black. Rules Strategies