
Lets talk about the big bang.


Incidentally, Stephen, please accept my thanks for engaging with me. The same goes also to Truthmuse. I got on my high horse a bit to force you to make a decision to engage or to completely ignore, and for that, please accept my apologies.

stephen_33 wrote:

And in a single post practically all the brightest minds in Cosmology are dismissed as intellectual second-graders?

"It can be an energetic frequency associated with the propagation of space quanta, for instance. Basically, they're making it up, so others can too. I think I'm more likely to be right. I usually am so that's a good precedent" - what is 'space quanta' when it's at home?

And you don't think Cosmologists have investigated every alternative explanation for the CMB that you might think of, plus several more, and dismissed them?

Words fail ....

OF COURSE they haven't. They're completely hidebound as a group because, as I pointed out, they lack someone with sufficient vision to show them a lead. As a breed they're myopic. Either they go for completely childish ideas like Many Worlds and Multiverse or they're lost. As a group, they gravitate towards trying to attract attention by grabbing the latest off-the-wall ideas.

Once you get it through your heads that university astrophysicists may well be second class physicists because the best ones do something material (like my son for instance) then you'll begin to understand that I could be right.


Anyway, why can't you acknowledge that your mistake regarding the reason for the capitalisation of Big Bang Theory is sufficient to account for your obvious lack of understanding as to why it's called a theory? You're playing with the big boys now. You aren't talking to Elroch. tongue.png


Love to stay and chat but I'm afraid one or two really serious things need attention in the 'real' world!

Like washing my hair.


Ok happy bathtime! I just walked with my wife to the place where she's getting a something-or-other diabetic retinopathy test. Left her there sitting with the old codgers.

Optimissed wrote:
varelse1 wrote:

The Big Bang is not a fact, no.

But it is by far the leading theory, best explaining the formation of our Universe.

And is the only theory so far, supported by observable evidence.

That isn't correct. Firstly, the Big Bang is an hypothesis rather than a theory. It's considered by many to be a very strong hypothesis and by others to be a weak one. The only observable evidence is the expansion of the universe. Few doubt that the universe is expanding. It isn't evidence for the Big Bang, however, which is an hypothesis about the cause or origin of the universe. C.M.B. is speculated to be a vestige from the beginning of the universe. Again, no evidence.

And again, CM. was predicted by Big Bang. Just as expanding was.

Boy! For a theory that is supposed to be so wrong, it sure gets a lot right.



stephen_33 wrote:

And in a single post practically all the brightest minds in Cosmology are dismissed as intellectual second-graders?

"It can be an energetic frequency associated with the propagation of space quanta, for instance. Basically, they're making it up, so others can too. I think I'm more likely to be right. I usually am so that's a good precedent" - what is 'space quanta' when it's at home?

And you don't think Cosmologists have investigated every alternative explanation for the CMB that you might think of, plus several more, and dismissed them?

Words fail ....

LOL right?

You said it. But I was guilty of thinking it.

varelse1 wrote:
Optimissed wrote:
varelse1 wrote:

The Big Bang is not a fact, no.

But it is by far the leading theory, best explaining the formation of our Universe.

And is the only theory so far, supported by observable evidence.

That isn't correct. Firstly, the Big Bang is an hypothesis rather than a theory. It's considered by many to be a very strong hypothesis and by others to be a weak one. The only observable evidence is the expansion of the universe. Few doubt that the universe is expanding. It isn't evidence for the Big Bang, however, which is an hypothesis about the cause or origin of the universe. C.M.B. is speculated to be a vestige from the beginning of the universe. Again, no evidence.

And again, CM. was predicted by Big Bang. Just as expanding was.

Boy! For a theory that is supposed to be so wrong, it sure gets a lot right.



It was known that the universe is expanding for a long time. The Big Bang was conceived to fit in with that. It really ought to be obvious that it must be that way round, in any case. The idea of everything starting as a pin-prick and expanding into what is now the topography of the universe wouldn't have possibly occurred to anyone unless they knew it was expanding. The idea was conceived, apparently, by Le Maitre, a priest. That's as I recall without checking, anyway. So it's OBVIOUSLY a miraculous beginning for the universe. It's totally unscientific to consider it to be anything other than a miracle and Einstein supported it, because he also believed in God. He was a deist and there's no real difference between a deist and a theist. I'll explain the reasoning for that if you wish.

Anyway, you're completely mistaken in thinking that the BBT could have predicted the expanding universe. That's a combination of hindsight and something else. If anything, it would predict a universe which definitely doesn't exist. It would predict one expanding with linear momentum whereas in fact, the expansion is accelerating. That is definitely NOT what the BBT predicts and so they had to add an ad hoc inflationary mechanism, which has nothing to do with the BBT. You're in good company because it's also completely beyond Elroch to understand any of this, or so it seems!

The BBT is basically a failed hypothesis and more and more cosmologists are accepting that. It's only people who are stuck in the 1980s who stay with the BBT. Elroch is emotionally attached to it, for instance! That may explain his slowness. happy.png The Big Bang gets nothing right but you do have to be reasonably intelligent to understand why. The idea that alternative ideas have been explored is complete nonsense. As I pointed out previously, on a scale of one to ten for intelligence among physicists, cosmologists as a cluster aren't above about four. My son reckoned that the less able physicists are attracted to cosmology and astrophysics. He could see it happening while he was doing his physics PhD. The ones that scored lower in exams were tending to head towards astrophysics.


The 'Big Bang' theory predicted the CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background) radiation, not the expansion of the Universe, for the simple reason that the concept of the 'BB' derives from the observation of that expansion.

Neither did it predict the acceleration in that expansion because no cause (such as 'Dark Energy') that could result in such acceleration was included in the theory.

Optimissed wrote:
stephen_33 wrote:

The 'Big Bang' theory predicted the CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background) radiation, not the expansion of the Universe, for the simple reason that the concept of the 'BB' derives from the observation of that expansion.

Neither did it predict the acceleration in that expansion because no cause (such as 'Dark Energy') that could result in such acceleration was included in the theory.

Oh dear Stephen.

That is someone's opinion. That "someone" isn't all that bright. The Big Bang did not predict CMB. It merely said that there "may be some vestige of the initial event or singularity". When they found the CMB they just assumed it was from the Big Bang but there isn't any proof, at all, that it was from that. There is another cause of the universe which ISN'T the Big Bang. We can call it the Real Cause. The CMB may be a vestige of that or it could be something not so closely connected with the origin of the universe. And "Dark energy" means "energy we assume must be present to cause the acceleration but which we can't detect."

In actuality, the acceleration is not caused by energy input. That's my opinion, anyway. It would be nonsensical to believe that there could be a source of energy that could cause the universe to accelerate its expansion, especially when the obvious explanation is so simple and explains the expansion AND the acceleration.

I've been interested in cosmology since I was an 8 or 9 year old. I'm also better at THINKING than most other people, including many physicists. My son's pretty bright though. He has the same qualification level as Hawking but he applies it to industry and actually creates things, unlike Hawking and others like him, who only want to be seen as knowing everything when actually they are just posing.

He doesn't believe in the Big Bang. Elroch believes in it but he's nowhere near as qualified. I've explained to many people with doctorates in physics why the Big Bang is wrong. Generally, the more capable and intelligent ones agree with me and the less intelligent ones don't because basically they aren't all that great at thinking things through and they have no mental flexibility to speak of.

Last warning you keep insulting people your gone.


Oh? And what would you say to others who insult people? Are you really going to misuse your admin status to wreck your own club and make a complete fool of yourself, because of a completely slanted ability to perceive who is insulting whom? I suggest you grow up, you pompous idiot. You appear to have a mental age of about ten, so your "position" as an admin is pretty laughable and badly thought out by others. This is hardly the first club to have megalomaniacs as admins and I suggest you think hard about yourself.

Haven't you managed to work out why this club has so few members? Could it not be due to your own pompous, passive-aggressive and condescending attitude to others? There are about ten admins here in a club that will soon have 21 members. Maybe you ARE a ten year old and all the stuff about working in computing is pretence. You need to grow up fast. Nothing I wrote there is an insult and it was simply a reaction to pompous people like yourself. But you wouldn't know the difference, would you. happy.png



If you guys think I over reacted let me know!


MIT researchers, including several undergraduate students, have discovered three of the oldest stars in the universe, and they happen to live in our own galactic neighborhood.

The team spotted the stars in the Milky Way's "halo" -- the cloud of stars that envelopes the entire main galactic disk. Based on the team's analysis, the three stars formed between 12 and 13 billion years ago, the time when the very first galaxies were taking shape.

The researchers have coined the stars "SASS," for Small Accreted Stellar System stars, as they believe each star once belonged to its own small, primitive galaxy that was later absorbed by the larger but still growing Milky Way. Today, the three stars are all that are left of their respective galaxies. They circle the outskirts of the Milky Way, where the team suspects there may be more such ancient stellar survivors.

"These oldest stars should definitely be there, given what we know of galaxy formation," says MIT professor of physics Anna Frebel. "They are part of our cosmic family tree. And we now have a new way to find them."

As they uncover similar SASS stars, the researchers hope to use them as analogs of ultrafaint dwarf galaxies, which are thought to be some of the universe's surviving first galaxies. Such galaxies are still intact today but are too distant and faint for astronomers to study in depth. As SASS stars may have once belonged to similarly primitive dwarf galaxies but are in the Milky Way and as such much closer, they could be an accessible key to understanding the evolution of ultrafaint dwarf galaxies.

"Now we can look for more analogs in the Milky Way, that are much brighter, and study their chemical evolution without having to chase these extremely faint stars," Frebel says