
Magician's Deathmatch


Magician’s Deathmatch

Chess variant invented by Drom Sealis (



  • During a turn, a player may switch a Bishop out for a Magician; once switched in, she (Magician) may not switch out again for the Bishop; switching counts as 1 move. 
  • Once a player’s pawn reaches the 6th rank (6th for White, 3rd for Black), one of the player’s Magician is promoted effective immediately to the High-Priestess or the Telepath, per player's choice. This is not optional (hence "Promotion" and not "Transformation").
  • Magician, High-Priestess,and Telepath may also come into play via Pawn Promotion.
  • Player may have as many Magicians, High-Priestesses and/or Telepaths on the board as desired, so long as there are Bishops to switch out for Magicians; or pawns to Promote to them.


Pieces’ Powers

Similarly to the pawn, all three pieces’ moving powers are different than their capturing.

  • Magician (M) 
    1. Moving – Slides 1 or 2 squares diagonally
    2. Capturing – Leaps as far as 2 squares diagonally or orthogonally.
  • High-Priestess (H) 
    1. Moving – Slides 1 or 2 squares orthogonally or diagonally
    2. Capturing – Leaps 1 or 2 squares diagonally, orthogonally, or like Knight (5x5 Area Attack)..
  • Telepath (T) 
    1. Moving – Leaps like Knight
    2. Capturing – Leaps as far as 2 squares diagonally, orthogonally or like Knight (5x5 Area Attack)


Special Attribute

  • Home-File Transference (or simply Transference) - If a Magician, High-Priestess or Telepath occupies a border file (a- and h-files on FIDE standard 8x8 board) on the first three** ranks from her side, she may move onto the square of the same rank on the opposite border-file, assuming that the destination square isn't occupied by an ally piece. (If occupied by an enemy piece, moving onto that square captures the enemy piece.) This maneuver counts as a move.

**(On the FIDE 8x8 board: a1-3 and h1-3 for White; a6-8 and h6-8 for Black)


Chess Notation 

Pieces –

  • Magician – ‘M’
  • High-Priestess – ‘H’
  • Telepath – ‘T’

To Switch in a Magician – Write “B” (for Bishop), square which Bishop is swapped out for a Magician, and set to equal ‘M’.


  • 3…Bc8=M
  • 9…Bg6=M
  • 4.Bb2=M

To Promote Magician – Write pawn’s move to 6th rank (Black – 3rd rank); followed by ‘M’ (for Magician), square which promotion-bound Magician stands, and set to equal ‘H’ (for High-Priestess) or ‘T’ (for Telepath).


  • 32.a5xb6 Mf3=H
  • 17.e5xd5-d6 Md2=T
  • 24…b4b3 Ma8=T
  • 50…h4h3 Mc3=H#
  • 45.b5xc5-c6 M=H

This was my very first variant, invented when I was first in college; polished years later in my mid-20's.

It may not be as clever and innovative as Evert823's Witch and Time-Thief, but I did my best; when I was 18. tongue.png

Hope at least some would find it pleasantly enjoyable.

Now, if you want innovative, I'd suggest my "Clash of Mythic Titans" game; or, even better, "Deserted Empire"