
New variant idea:: Royal family


Simple: 10 x 8 board, with a prince next to the king, and a princess next to the queen. If the king or queen is captured/checkmated, the prince or princess becomes the king or queen. The prince moves like the king but doesn’t have any check-rules, i.e. royalty. The princess moves like a queen with a limited range of two squares up, down, sideways, or diagonal. Also, when a prince/princess stays on the a or j ranks for two moves, it loses royalty and becomes a commoner, moving like a king but can’t promote to a king or queen if they get checkmated or captured.

One more thing: Pawns can promote to a knight, bishop, rook, queen, prince, princess, or king. When pawns promote to a king then the opposing player has to checkmate both. If there is a possible move, when the king gets checkmated and there is no prince, the pawn can promote to a king the next move IF that square is not attacked

Do you like it?


interesting idea.




there's already a piece named princess though... Knight + Bishop or it's called hawk nowadays but it used to be called princess


IK but I like it this way

I call real princess Archbishop...