


Do you have suggestions for this club or for daily chess on this site? Please share here!


maybe many daily matches and vote chess?


How about the detailed list of leagues and tournaments being run on the site in here? 


Maybe a post or puzzle about tricks to look out for?


Is there a blitz club I can join? Thanks.....

blackfirestorm wrote:

How about the detailed list of leagues and tournaments being run on the site in here? 

Yes, please.


Also please change the settings to not “hide notes on the home page please 

kindlestenssoro wrote:

Yes please do not hide notes. We get alert from new notes and we are delivered to a list of forums and we don't know where is the last post refered. Please change that. 


A suggestion for the daily chess mode of game (I think it was proposed many times before, but anyway...). Introduce a possibility to set up not the amount of time per one move, but amount of time for the whole game. Thus, setting up, for example, 1 month per game (per player) we can be sure that all games in tournament are finished after a certain date.

To avoid unfair use (when player wait the whole month before resigning in a lost position) the idea can be further improved as "1 month per game, but no more than 3 days per move" (any numbers here).


I enjoy playing on this site, but had a couple minor suggestions for daily chess.

I would love to be able to filter upcoming tournaments by rating limits and size, since I prefer smaller tournaments with upper rating limits and its a pain to scroll through all the tournaments to find the ones I am looking for.

It would also be nice to be able to customize vacation for tournaments.  For example, it would be nice to set vacation for 7 or 14 days per round instead of allowing players to take 3 months to time out if they abandon the site.

The conditional move feature is great, but it would be good to have an option where we can program a move regardless of the move chosen by the opponent.  Now, you have to add a separate line for each possible move your opponent can make.  

Last, and this may be an unrealistic suggestion, I would encourage limiting the ability of players to enter more tournaments when they have a huge number of current games.  It isn't unusual to see players sign up to the site and enter every possible tournament, ending up with over a 1,000 games.  They usually crash and burn shortly thereafter, but it's disruptive to tournaments.  Maybe once a player gets to 500 games, they can only enter a tournament when they have no outstanding moves. 

Thanks, Craig


When this coming to start??'


can we play some friendly daily match and make friend?



im ready for some dailys. 



let's play some dailys to have fun!!



Hi all!

I'd suggest some dedicated forum topics for a few different types of post game analysis. People would post their concluded games, and the members would make comments about the games posted.

- Group analysis of openings. Here we could talk about the opening the player chose, other openings they might have tried based on the weaknesses of the opponent and strengths of the player, etc.

- Group analysis of middle-games (after a game leaves the book/explorer moves). Here we would talk about expected thematic features of the opening and how they manifested or didn't manifest in the game.

- A forum or two dedicated to fun/original ideas, maybe we could figure out a way to do stuff like play a round-robin team match, where it's 10 v 10 players, but with one board, each player in turn makes 1 move until it gets back to the first person. I don't know if this idea specifically is a good one or possible to do on, but some kind of unique forum like this for the club would be fun.

kindlestenssoro wrote:
blackfirestorm wrote:
kindlestenssoro wrote:

Yes please do not hide notes. We get alert from new notes and we are delivered to a list of forums and we don't know where is the last post refered. Please change that. 

So this club had a notes section? They closed it because of the nonsense of the thread? Well, all new clubs are subject to this word storm in the beginning...but it get better lately. I think that is better to open the thread to free speech in the notes section. 


I think that you should gain rating from vote chess


can u guys make this a private club? so many people are joining.




Is there a setting I can modify to not get notifications every time someone makes a post?