
Variant Puzzles


Hello, and welcome to the Variant Puzzles Forum! If you'd like to post a puzzle from any variant, this is the place to put it! Make sure that the puzzle is legitimate, and that there aren't any multiple solutions. 


Ok (=


Restoring all pinned forums.


I realized that it might be a bit hard to create variant puzzles since doesn't provide a diagram with variant rules applied. When creating a variant puzzle you will have to show a screenshot of the position.


FFA Puzzle: Red to move and balance the game

1. Who has the highest chances of winning, and why do you think so? There isn't really a right or wrong answer since the game could end in a...well...endless number of ways, but be sure to provide a well-constructed argument to support your thoughts.

2. Why did red play Rxe5 like an idiot? Thoughts?

TheCheesePhoenix wrote:

FFA Puzzle: Red to move and balance the game


1. Who has the highest chances of winning, and why do you think so? There isn't really a right or wrong answer since the game could end in a...well...endless number of ways, but be sure to provide a well-constructed argument to support your thoughts.

2. Why did red play Rxe5 like an idiot? Thoughts?

Depends greatly on the strength of the players. Assuming everyone is pretty high-rated, and 2nd place and 3rd place basically gain and lose no rating, red and blue can try to apply some joint pressure on green here. Rxe5 would make sense because if both red and blue are good players, they will realize that the only chance of winning is by weakening green together. If red plays Rxe5 and blue doesn't take, the game is pretty balanced and anyone could pull off a win, though green is obviously favored even with red and blue against them.

If there are noobs present, red will play Bxe5 and green will easily win.


Actually, red could've just moved the knight to deliver a discovered attack on green's queen and since I moved it to an undefended square i just lose my queen. But red was an idiot and blue was mad at red so they traded rooks and I won xd

TheCheesePhoenix wrote:

Actually, red could've just moved the knight to deliver a discovered attack on green's queen and since I moved it to an undefended square i just lose my queen. But red was an idiot and blue was mad at red so they traded rooks and I won xd

bro I completely forgot that was possible 💀

haven't 4pc'ed in a really long time lmao


Same, I found the knight move a few hours earlier but I was too afraid to post my answer because I don't trust my 4pc skills anymore lol


Unpinning because variant puzzles will have their own separate forums