
What to do if Someone is Actively Suicidal


What if someone is actively suicidal on                                                        

  1. If someone is in the act of harming themselves, they need to contact emergency services.  They may be disoriented and not recall the number or .  Encourage them to call immediately, open their front door if they can, and stay close so that they can be reached quickly.
  2. If they do not need medical attention, please connect them with a Crisis center, this is the worldwide helpline directory: (when they find their area, there is an option to connect with "Emergency Services" in the upper right hand corner if its enabled)
  3. Once they have the crisis resource they need, it may be hard, but you're going to have to disconnect.

What if someone is demonstrating "concerning behavior" on            

If it is an urgent situation, this is the form to use .  Use the "Abuse Form" from the "Urgent" report section, this is the header:

Urgent report

If the person you are reporting is being aggressive, threatening violence, or any other behavior that requires an urgent response, please fill out the below form and it will be looked into immediately:

  1. Send a screenshot of posts and/or messages that show what the person has said that is cause for concern (urgent concerns like saying they are going to harm themselves or someone else).  2.  Include a link to the person's profile. 
  2. From the 'What happened' drop down menu choose which is closest to the situation.  Explain the situation as briefly as possible and submit.

What if I see suicidal messages on social media?

Contact a Safety Team:

***I've contacted staff to find out what actions we can take in certain situations on their site.  I'll update this as soon as I have the information.  Suggestions to simplify this post are welcome.

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