
World League Match Results


Frankly speaking, last year our team was twice in situation that using  points get by "cheater" (closed account player) could change the result of the match. On the other hand, such rule (changing the result of both the games in favour of non-cheater) should be published before the match. Secondly, in european league such match is considered as 0:0 because noone can predict which result would be without cheating. Moreover, all the next pairs are influenced (without cheater the players would play with different opponents). So, IMHO, total change from 2:0 to 0:2 is not addequate.


how about 3 points deduction on cheater's team aside from the 2 points be given automatic to cheater's opponent, that way every team will encourage their members not to cheat or don't join team matches!


Please read and use the following topics:

@Adamkos and @kabawka, seems to me that your proposals better suite the above mentioned topics than this one.


looks like they agreed to recalculate at the end of the season, but after 3 months why there's no more recalculation?


Last year we agreed to a one time recalculation due to the massive number of accounts that were closed in August 2011.  This was a one time event and not meant to be an ongoing activity.


Adamkos you are not correct. European League gives in such cases all points to non cheater, for example if cheater wins 2 - 0, at the end it calculated as 0 - 2 in favour of non-cheater player

And again as DxN said please use related thread for cheaters issue


Please note that close matches are now being monitored for caught cheaters and adjusted for the World League standings if their points could impact the match result. If in one of your matches, you should observe a recent change to be included in these adjustments, please feel welcome to send a private message to ilmago or one of the other World League directors, making our monitoring task easier.



I would like to raise another related issue. Some accounts are closed due to some other reasons not directly related to cheating: double accounts, bad words, politics, racism, own leave, etc. and in that case they don't get the ("shameful") icon next to their name and are also (I guess) not listed in the thread of caught cheaters.

Will they in this context be equal to cheating, or not?
Then what happens in games of "real cheater" vs "some other reason"? What if both opponents were closed for some other reasons? Will they also be considered as 1-1?
I would suggest a strict clarifying rule to follow to avoid speculations, different interpretations and misunderstandings.
Thanks for your time,



Arsen, use of double accounts is a very clear form of cheating, of course.

Banned cheaters are most easily recognized by the icon next to their name for example on team match pages.

In rare cases, this icon is missing, even though the user appears on's list of accounts closed for cheating. In these cases, we are using that list to see if the closed account is a banned cheater. Anyone noticing one of these rare cases is welcome to notify a WL director via pm, for example simply me, making our monitoring task easier.


Are you indicating that maybe there could be cases of cheating by use of multiple accounts that for some strange reason have not appeared in the list of accounts closed for cheating so far? If this should be affecting a WL team match, I think we will all do our best to distinguish such closed accounts of multiple account cheaters from accounts closed for non-cheating reasons, such as use of bad words or so.


Thanks Ilmago!
No, not really. I was just trying to understand what would the regulations be.
Your message says it clear to me: "Only the banned cheaters' (that appeared in the list of banned cheaters) games would be reconsidered".




Hi Arsen,

We will adjust the scores for known cheaters of any kind.  This includes multiple accounts.  It is not necessarily limited to the ones with an icon beside their name.   Please send a private message to ilmago or one of the other WL directors if you are aware of any cases to make our monitoring task easier.




Hello Daws!

Thanks a lot for you answer!

That's a little bit not really the same as what ilmago said.
Yes, multiple accounts are considered cheating by (mostly because of the comments under the games, but those are not widely used). On the other hand, when one account is closed because of cheating all the other accounts using the same computer might be closed (looks like this is the feeling we have). And still there seems to be no way to find out the reason of the closed account other than the list of banned cheaters. Then how would we know that someone's account is closed for multiple account, bad words, or any other reason? Or we don't?
My 2 cents,



The support staff are assisting us with this matter.  If you know of any closed accounts due to cheating that don't have an icon beside them, please send a private message to ilmago or one of the other WL Directors to make the monitoring task easier.

