Excelsior Works Chess Club

9 Mitglieder
1 Event gespielt

Dear Excelsior Works Residents,

We are excited to announce the launch of the prestigious Excelsior Works Online Chess Club! Hosted by David and co-hosted by esteemed clientele, this chess club promises to be a thrilling and enjoyable experience for all residents.

We invite each and every one of you to join our Chess Club, where you can have fun, connect with fellow Excelsior Works residents, and, of course, test your chess skills against some of the best players within the building. Whether you are a seasoned player or a beginner, this is an excellent opportunity to engage in friendly competition and build a sense of community.

As an added bonus, we are thrilled to introduce our resident Grand Master (GM) who will be taking on challengers within the building. It's a unique chance to pit your skills against a true chess master and perhaps even claim victory!

So, sharpen your wits, dust off your chessboard, and join us for an exciting journey into the world of online chess at Excelsior Works. We wish everyone good luck and lots of fun in your matches.

To join the Chess Club, please [Log into  Chess.com/Excelsiorworkschessclub. or ask David Concieger for more info ].

Looking forward to seeing you all on the virtual chessboard!

Best regards,

David Morgan

Excelsior Works Concierge
