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📛 °👻°.•°○☆.•°Let's learn chess together °•.☆○°•. °👻° 📛
Team Odessa - Жемчужина у моря
Кибер-сборная Одессы ⚓️ была создана в апреле 2016-го. Наша команда - одна из самых первых украинских городских сборных на сайте. Играем в Дневные...
PERCASI Catur Indonesia
This club is dedicated to all Indonesian Chess Players
Cool Cookie Chess Club
This is a social club for you to invite you friends, in a chill, relaxed and friendly environment where you can play chess and interact with a bunc...
Team Taiwan 台灣
Hello and welcome to Team Taiwan on chess.com! This is the group for all chess players from Taiwan or have connections with Taiwan. We are the offi...
Chess.com Custom Pieces
This club is a dedicated space for users of the Chess.com Custom Pieces browser extension, where chess enthusiasts can share their custom designs w...
The Moon Club
Hey guys! This is a fan club for @Moonwarrior_1, who live streams chess on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/moonwarrior_1! Be sure to join the club,...
It is one of the most famous world cities. Gaza Strip group is created for people who love and support the human rights of palastine populations. ...
The Checkmaters International
The Checkmaters International is an exclusive congregate of like minded members which regularly has Daily Team matches, Vote Chess and Tournaments....
🌟 Представляємо найкращий Шаховий клуб chessMAD! 🌟 Ви готові підняти свою любов до шахів на новий рівень? Не шукайте далі - ми з великим задоволен...
The Regal Chess School
Sign up for Private Chess Lessons with FIDE Master Alejandro Garcia at https://www.kansascitychessclub.com/lessons Chess is everything— art, scie...
Bretagne Echecs
Bienvenue aux bretons et amoureux de la Bretagne. https://www.chess.com/club/bretagne-echecs  
Rook Raiders of School 57
Welcome to the Rook Raiders of School 57, where passionate chess enthusiasts and students of School 57 gather to sharpen their skills, engage in fr...
Polski Związek Szachowy
  Witaj w Klubie Polskiego Związku Szachowego!    Bądź na bieżąco z wszystkimi najważniejszymi wydarzeniami szachowymi, zarówno w Internecie ...
The Film and TV Buffs
This is a club for all fans of film and TV, where you can exchange views on your likes and dislikes, plus play themed tournaments for customised pr...
Please join it now! WE have many interesting things that you can join and learn it! Also, if you join, you can in advertise forum type a club and ...
CVC Vote Chess Powerhouse
Our team, Chess.com vs. ChessKid, has emerged as one of the top 31 strongest Vote Chess teams on Chess.com.  Recognizing our growth and potent...
The Waffle Club
This is "The Waffle Club". This club if full of people that love waffles and talk about waffles. We recommend you join. it's a lovely place and a...
NFL Football Fans
A place for all American Football fans to hang out, chat, chill, and watch the games! We have a scoreboard updating weekly, prizes for correctly ca...
BULGARIA  - chess    academy
Za vsichki balgarski igrachi koito praviat parvi stapki v chaxa.
Oceanside Chess Club
Our mission is to provide a welcoming environment to learn, study, and enjoy the game of chess. We host annual chess tournaments and regular weekly...
  Revised By BusiedMold47220 on 5/28/2024.  Requirements to join our club! 1.No abuse  2.No advertising (You can advertise but not without aski...
Die Feuervögel
Hier trifft sich die Community von @MoritexChessTV (alias "Der Feuervogel-Mann" 😀). www.moritex.de Wir ... ... spielen in der World Chess Leagu...
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