
The Unit Series XLIII: Nimzo-Indian Defense: Leningrad Variation

Alkamispäivä: 5.11.2011

Päättymispäivä: 22.12.2012

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# Aikakatkaisuja:
Suurin yllätys

Hello !

A new thematic tournament has been created in 'The Unit Series', that offers us the possibility to practise the following opening: "Nimzo-Indian Defense: Leningrad Variation" (http://www.chess.com/opening/eco/E30_Nimzo_Indian_Defense_Leningrad_Variation) with the following initial moves: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Bg5

Upon creation, 'The Unit Series' tournaments are announced  through the group 'The Unit'. So if you like these tournament series and want to receive a message when a new tournament is created, join our group:


See you there!



The idea behind this group is unity, as the name already implies. We want to form a group with all sorts of different levels, but with one common goal: To have members who put their best foot forward and who strive to treat every game as if it were the most important game and to make this group the most successful group in Chess.com, by not just thinking in the individual aspect of the game, but to experience to be part of a great group Playing chess in many expects is an individual activity. But the feeling to belong to a special group can create an extra dimension, like paying more attention and time to your games. A cohesive group is more than the sum of its parts, and synergy is the ability of a group to outperform even its best individual members. A group stands or falls with the participation of its members. In The Unit, YOU decide which other groups we challenge and YOU decide which thematic tournaments are created: http://www.chess.com/groups/home/the-unit


New tournaments

ChessIntegrator | 28.12.2011 klo 17.10

Hi all,

We have the following new tourneys in "The Unit Series" tournaments:

If you have some time, please join.

See you there!



The idea behind this group is unity, as the name already implies. We want to form a group with all sorts of different levels, but with one common goal: To have members who put their best foot forward and who strive to treat every game as if it were the most important game and to make this group the most successful group in Chess.com, by not just thinking in the individual aspect of the game, but to experience to be part of a great group Playing chess in many expects is an individual activity. But the feeling to belong to a special group can create an extra dimension, like paying more attention and time to your games. A cohesive group is more than the sum of its parts, and synergy is the ability of a group to outperform even its best individual members. A group stands or falls with the participation of its members. In The Unit, YOU decide which other groups we challenge and YOU decide which thematic tournaments are created: http://www.chess.com/groups/home/the-unit

The Unit World League Series

ChessIntegrator | 24.11.2011 klo 16.57


The Unit has created a new tournament series: The Unit World League Series

The goal of these tournament series is to first play a tournament according to the region where you live. Then the first 10 players of each region will go battle it out in the final. This final tournament will have 60 players, based on the fact that there are six regions:

  • North America (also includes Central America)
  • South America
  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Africa
  • Oceania

Click one of the links, according to the region where you live (Your flag decides where you should go!):

See you around!