Miyembrong Diamond

Chilled out guy who started play chess again after ~40 years. My heroes include Kasparov, A Karpov, Anand, Hikaru, Carlsen, Prag G, Levy R, Eric Rosen, Daniel N + more

In this video I play against Marko who is a chess hustler from Serbia in Puerto Marina, Malaga. We pick up the coverage after he plays a Knight sacrifice which means I cannot castle.

When I try to Queen my pawn he states that I cannot have two queens on the board, as this is against the rules!! I remind him of the official Chess FIDE rules whichs states this is allowed and I eventually go on to win the game with a checkmate.

I give Marko a small donation for his time and we shake hands after a thrilling game.

In the footage starts partway through the game in this position, if anyone knows the moves leading up to this position, feel free to message me!!!

Black to Move