Miyembrong Diamond

At the moment I'm trying to adopt a ROMAN legion chess strategy from philosophical perspectives,

Currently in Modern Chess there are five schools of thought.  Will study 2 GM per chess school.

1 Classical  2800 elo

Carlsen the best player of all time and the next  best at pre-engine player Fischer  

2 Strategy  2700 elo

Karpov prophylactic nibbles and fixes weaknesses' and Capablanca middle to endgames

3 Powerplay  2600 elo

Bronstein latency of material and pre–FIDE Morphy  Art of combinations 

4 Innovation   2500 elo

Korchnoi  counter attack and prefers minor pieces Lasker longevity as world champion.

5 Attacking  2400 elo

Kasparov 2 big bites and close down positions  and

my personality test it found I was like TAL initiative at all cost  with intuition.

I'll get stronger as I learn too calculate more.

This is my Main order of schools  i might try against higher rated while the reverse order is for lower rated players. for consistently maintaining your rating. not losing points.  In my opinion  Carlsen is better at grinding out a win or draw than Kasparov.  But both are top in their respective styles.

At the moment I have to study my 10 GMs in my Chess base 17 and I don't don't have enough

technique at thus present time.

THE ROMAN LEGION ( The Roman Empire is basis for all chess types) 


800 BC foundation of ROME  and the fall of the empire in 800 AD (800 men HI pawn cohort)

Based on 1 legion of a army 10000 men as a MODEL the officers where Caesar (standard setup)

Caesar's insignia was FELIX the lion while Octavian (Augustus) is the Bull,

a legatos b tribune c consul d tribune e aquifer f senior centurions g tribune h legato

As Proconsul Caesar would line up with d queen (elite HI)

in the Triradiate it was c Anthony d Lebistes e eagle Caesar the a and h HC were tribunes

Officers in charge who oversees  the legions money.

C eagles senate gold money 300-600 E back rank veteran pieces 3600 silver minus eagle money F pawns 6400 denarii bronze money.   

C bishop (cheetah pelts) and F bishop (fox pelts) were the priests of the legion. They are Field of Mars archers and Caesar started his career as a Light Infantry archer.

The C bishop were intelligence and CYPHER specialists while the F bishop were the foragers and Quartermasters of the legion. The priests were the only ones to wear pelts. other legionnaires were distinguished from one another by helmets and plumes on the head.

My system HAS one command structure of 6400 Regular Heavy infantry legionaries and 

3600 Veteran Auxiliaries (the Aux can be sent to reinforce another legion)

rooks 300 HC (shock troops) knights 400 light LC bishops 500 men LI archers 

The BAR in the medical insignia is BAR in backgammon and the 7 and 18 points

The Golden Spiral Ratio and Ancient Geometry. queen 600- or 900-men king 600 or 300 men

MEDIEVAL ROMANTIC CHESS    (Chargalmane First Holy Roman Emperor) SHAR main 

This is just a rough estimate. But being realistic castles don't move. Medieval castles with a moat are worth 300 masters of arms and 200 household cavalrymen while a castle on a hill or mountain is worth 400 masters of arms and henchmen100 cavalry reckon the B knight would be 200 and the G knight would be 300 while the bishops 1500 each (jump move like a Persian elephant) The pawns being foot soldiers conscripted as needed   and. the aristocrats queen 600 moves like a modern king and his Majesty the King 900 moves like a modern king but 3 square range total of 1500 men positioned middle of the field of battle.


According to an online test I have a zero-carbon footprint.

 I am single and live by myself. I have no car or air conditioning' living in the tropics. and mainly use the microwave for cooking. and live in Carns FNQ on the north east coast and is the Gateway to the Great Barrier Reef and the other World Heritage Daintree Rainforest, . I'm also on a disability pension, I use about 800 kw of power per quarter. I have no solar panels or battery. I recycle plastics and bottles,


CHESS is The Brain of the body of knowledge. It is the fusion of light and the counter of 

the forces of darkness... and decay.    Steven R Pickles.


My other chess sites are user id SRP178 and user id EAgLe247.

I have higher ratings on those sites, ( currently around 1500 elo rapid) as the standard deviation between win and loss is greater. My PBA on playchess was 1701 elo in slow chess. approx. 20 years ago, I had one year at a chess club in1996 aged 21 where i had a provisional FIDE rating of 1284, I was about 1200 when i learnt the moves when i was 7 and could play instantly. but a part from a month of a Fischer chess craze during in 1973 Didn't play chess until i was 21

when i last studied and read my first chess book.. I started playing internet chess in August 2001. has the hardest Elo rating system of any chess site I've come across,

According to the ELO table statistically NO ONE with a rating 735 and over lower than their opponent should score ZERO percent rating points.


Before Computer chess in the 19th early 20th century. Victorian Englishmen

Joseph Henry Blackburne aka the Black Death is my favorite player. 

He was highly creative. and never played the best move only one that did the job. 

Hence, he was deadly in Tournament play. while in match play, he was much weaker.

He challenged Lasker for the Wc title twice but failed to a much younger Lasker.

HE was ranked 2nd to 5th in the world.


I have played both Chinese and Japanese Chess Programs but Prefer FIDE chess.

I have a book on each of the games.

If I was to put a western spin on shogi.

I would say there are no lancer because if a 8 by 8 board instead of a 9 by  9 

A ancestral rook is your honor                   government and justice

while the H rook is your castle fortress       education and health

knights are cavalrymen and just like Takeda clan I don't consider them dishonorable to use.

The C bishop is the golden samurai general while the F bishop is the silver samurai general

The Queen is the Shogun and the King is the Emperor (he is not allowed to die)

Pawns are Ashin Garu (peasant levy spearmen) koku rice allowance paid