Rapid :1320-1400(Phase 1)
Blitz:1020-1070(Phase 1)
Bullet:1140-1250(Phase 1)
puzzles:2700-3000(phase 1)
Puzzles war:1700-1900(Phase 1)
puzzles rush:30(Phase 1)
There or one day chess:1400(Phase 1)
rewards:230(Phase 1)
Get 10 brilliant moves from, now I have three.
Let think I am 2000 Leo, as I have tried 1800elo once.
And I am a kid(just kidding)
Phase 2’s time (2023-2027)
And most of all remember to give rewards to me.
Learn 1
15 openings for white and black,I have already learned 10 openings which are:
1.Caro-Kann (Black)
2.Pirc Defence (Black)
3.Italian Game Elvans Gambit(White)
4.Fried Liver Attack(White)
5.The Tension Gambit(White)
6.Danish Gambit(White)
7.Halloween Gambit(White)
8.Ruy Lopez (White)
9.Bong Cloud
10.The King Indian’s Gambit
11.Latvian Gambit
12. The queens gambit
13.The London system 
These opening are learned from chesspage 1(except Pirc Defence )
sub to chesspage 1 , and remember to give me rewards or I will use this openings to crush you.
SUB TO CHESSPAGE 1 !!!!!!!!!