
Battle for the White House 2020 Chess Set Commercial -- BONKERS!!!




So the Republican side is always white??? Rigged


I know, right ... tell me about it.

The rules pamphlet, which I'll post tomorrow, says that the Red side always moves first.

So if that side is played, it may be time to attempt  the Bongcloud Attack!




the set looks nicer than i'd expected. 

BISP247 wrote:

So the Republican side is always white??? Rigged

they gerrymandered the board!




Wouldn’t surprise me if we found out it was made in China lol grin.png...


I saw this at the local WALMART this past weekend and OMG it was so GAUDY, I almost bought as an *IMPULSE* purchase but it was so GAWDY, I just *HAD* to put it back on the shelf...  Currently, am and will always be a STAUNTON man...!!!  happy.png happy.png happy.png 



Oy gevalt.

Ha. Thread Closed.




This chess set is the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a while.


Like, what next, the Animal House chess set? The Tiger King chess set? Trailer Park Boys chess set?


beetlejuice set!

a set of trump wives vs. trump's accusers of sexual assault!


AlCzervik wrote:

beetlejuice set!

a set of trump wives vs. trump's accusers of sexual assault!


It would be a much better looking set than the side with Dims. LOL


that's the worst thing I've ever seen... which makes it awesome. 


They are still showing infomercials for this. No price break yet.


Jeez, people.  Just give it a rest ok?

The set was ordered.  The set was accused of being a hoax.  The set turned out to be real, and I have one.  End of story.

Also, I'd like to note  that there really was someone posting here, haverumwilltravel, who I referred to as "Rummy".  He must have gotten himself banned, and all his posts disappeared (which is too bad because there was some funny material there).  I wasn't talking to myself in case anyone actually was wondering about that.

If at some point I decide to revive this thread I may post more detailed pictures.  But as far as this thread continuing on from here, please be advised that I, and only I, can make that decision.



Barney-Boondoggle wrote:

Jeez, people.  Just give it a rest ok?


If at some point I decide to revive this thread I may post more detailed pictures.  But as far as this thread continuing on from here, please be advised that I, and only I, can make that decision.

umm, you are angry because notmark posted about the set?

as far as your arrogance that you think you are in complete control of what others post, you should know that anyone, if so inclined, could post a similar topic where, *gasp* people here could respond and not be threatened.

grow up and relax.


I was surprised that they could afford a half hour infomercial at noon on a Sunday.  Even in pandemic times, a half an hour must cost real money.

They must have sold a ton of them so far.


Al, looks like I've really managed to raise your sanctimonious hackles about this.  Sorry about that.

I'm not sure where you are seeing all this "anger" and "threats" in my post.

Looks to me like you are just cruising the forums, looking to find something to get yourself "triggered". 

It's just a thread on the internet about a silly novelty chess set, and if someone wants to start another thread about it be my guest.  I never said anything about other threads on the same topic.

But this is my thread, and I hereby declare complete control over its content.


How old are you?