
ChessBase website untrusted


For over a week browsers, upon attempts to go to, report "this connection is untrusted". This is the home or European site of ChessBase, not chessbase.usa which is just a distributor.

This is reported not just by FoxFire but by my tablets browser also. Examining the report reveals "the certificate is not trusted because it is self-signed".

Of course, since it is unsafe to go to the website, it is not possible to contact them. I am extremely careful about going to unsafe websites since I got a root-kit virus several years ago.

Does anyone have further information about this  website ?


Yeah, just go to the website.

BTW, my Google Chrome does not give that warning (neither does IE or Firefox). It used to but no longer. I go here:


When I try to go to, it automatically redirects me to

Do you get the certificate message when you go to a page that has a Java game replay app? I suspect that might be the reason. I think it goes back to the whole issue of whether to allow Java to be plugged into your browser. I decided not to allow that, but I miss out on a lot of features by unplugging it.