
An upgrade to my plastic chess set storage collection.


Good day to all fellow members,

Most of my plastic chess sets are housed in a drawstring or some carry all-tournament type equipment bags but I wanted a more suitable, at home housing storage container(s) for them. In addition, some of my wood sets, which still sit in their original foam-lined shipping containers, need proper coffers too but when you collect chess sets and are on a limited spending budget, proper wood coffers can be costly.  

I remember coming across a post here on from a member describing a cigar company that sells empty sample cigar boxes made of solid wood and hard cardboard material. The solid wood boxes cost a little more but not by much. With a few interesting photos displaying methods of storage for both wood and plastic sets, I decided to invest in some of these solid wood sample cigar boxes and came away with a pleasant outcome. Mind you not all of my current chess sets will fit in these various sized sample cigar boxes, but with some innovative jockeying of the pieces, I will get them to fit and close properly. Some boxes have decorative metal clasp closures, others just simply close shut, no metal clasp closures.

I'll re-post the link to the company that offers these boxes in case anyone is interested in a purchase.

The boxes are randomly picked by the company so you really don't know what size boxes you'll be receiving but if you have an array of different sized chess sets from travel to analysis to full size it's worth exploring to see if it fits your storage criteria needs. 10 boxes of solid wood construction @ $25 a shipment isn't a bad deal at all. Here are some photos of what I received and how I staged them for storage. Here's the link to the company. Worth a look if this type of storage peaks your interests.

Here's the link followed by the photos:

There are more than 10 boxes in this first photo, I just consolidated them a bit. The original ten came with bubble wrap in between to protect during shipping.

Same scenario as in this second photo...FYI.

The boxes in the next set of photos are of smaller length yet taller in height in order to accommodate a full set. You'll see how I "stacked' the pieces in there to fit well and close properly in the remaining photos that follow. Just pictures from here on out for your continued viewing pleasure...nice decorative quality wood boxes BTW, not bad for @ $2.50 a box, IMHO. 


Wow, cool boxes, really good alternative to regular ones


Pretty danged cool! You show some real "out of the box" thinking here!


Thank you AntiSun and C-pov, much-appreciated comments.  BTW a question was raised about the presence of Tabacco aroma being present in these sample boxes and there is none whatsoever in any of the ones I received. FYI.

Haverumwilltravel wrote:
Fire up a stogie when you play and it won't make a difference. 🙂


Haven't lit a cigar or cigarette for over 3 decades now, although having a hot cup of coffee and an Entenmann's cheese danish to enjoy isn't a bad way to go while playing a match against an opponent. 

QtoQlevel3 wrote:

...although having a hot cup of coffee and an Entenmann's cheese danish to enjoy isn't a bad way to go while playing a match against an opponent. 

Ah, the good old days. In the 1980's I would spend a Sunday morning with coffee, an Entenmann's raspberry danish, and several books scattered around while I studied.

I managed to get a couple smaller cigar boxes from a local tobacconist but they wouldn't give or sell me more because they said their supplier demanded they be returned. They're not big enough for a chess set, though. I use them for guitar supplies like picks, slides, parts, tools and such.


The Gold & Yellow Club Set looked kind a cool. Might have to get that color combination. I posted a Teal & Orange Club set on another thread.



Here is that Teal & Orange Club Set. It is on a Saddle Brown Flex Pad Board from


Those are some odd colors but, oddly enough, I could get used to them. It's got a harvest feel to it.