
Are these wooden chess pieces available in tournament regulation size?


The chess pieces shown in the pictures below are my favorite chess pieces since I love the specific design of each piece more than any other piece I've ever seen. I got these pieces in a small shop in North Carolina in the early 2000's for $30. The only issue with these pieces is that they are slightly smaller than tournament regulation size (the King is 3.25 in tall). I would love to be able to get these pieces in tournament regulation size. Does anyone know of a place where these pieces are available for purchase in tournament regulation size?




@Micahsmith - Search for "Chavet" chess pieces. They're carried by many vendors as it is a standard chess style used at tournaments.


Really? French Chavet? It looks like German Knights to me. I may be completely wrong.


Mohan, if you look up the Chavez sets you will see this is the Knight design.  And it is different from the German Knight.

Chavet sets are hard to find.  This is why I bought and use the Chess Bazaar Chavet set.

Eyechess wrote:

Mohan, if you look up the Chavez sets you will see this is the Knight design.  And it is different from the German Knight.

Chavet sets are hard to find.  This is why I bought and use the Chess Bazaar Chavet set.

I thought that this is how Chavet Knight looks like.

Chavet Purists ... forgive me :( - Chess Forums -


Just search in google "Staunton with german knight". 


The problem is that the set pictured looks not like a Chavet or a German Knight set usually looks.

Some of the cuts look like Chavet.  Some look like German Knight.  And other parts don’t look like either.

That Knight has some Chavet look to it.  The lines on the side look German Knight like.

Yeah, as loubalch would say, it’s a mishmash. 


I have a set very similar. I bought mine from Chesshouse. It is a 3.75 inch French Staunton. It only has a 1.5" base so it works on my 14" analysis board. The product description does not say German knight but I always assumed it was. Anyhow, here is the link: