
Can anyone tell me if this is Reykjavik II chess pieces or not.


Can anyone tell me if this is Reykjavik II chess pieces or not. I paid $229. I suspect that I got the wrong item. It feels light-weighted. Seller is not responding to me anymore to settle things like cash refund or giving me other free chess  items for compensation. I really hate the hassle of returning.  Correct me if I am wrong. I bought expensive pieces to them because I expected it to be heavy. I asked them to confirm to me that I recieved the correct item. I get no response. 


It looks like the set to me and fairly well matches the photo from HoS:

The queen and knight are close but not exact to my eye.

The set's weight is supposed to be around 46 ounces - what do you see?


@ GrandPatzerDave Yes the knight and queen are not exactly the same. The weight it feels like somewhere 960 grams and i expected to be 1280 grams. I will have it measured on a weighing scale.


It's not unreasonable to expect some variation from "generation" to generation of a carved set, particularly one with a design as old as this.  Personally I think the differences are minor.

Yes, the set's median weight should be around 1280 grams or so, +/- something.


@GrandPatzerDave yes the design i got is very nice too. But you know we pay on what the design on what the seller photo tells and what the weight it says. If I only knew it is light I could have ordered a $140 chess pieces. 


Oh, I completely agree!  I'm just not exactly sure if you're concerned about the slight visual differences or the weight.  Have you had a chance to weigh the set with a scale?


I wanted the exact model and the exact weight they are selling. They could have given me an older version. Honest mistake is ok as long as they admit it. If they tell me they delivered the correct item; the looks itself is slightly different. And that is the time I am getting a weighing scale .


Small box there is print it says "Reykajvik Set Ebonized" then there is a tiny sticker it says "Rejkajvik II". Which is which is it version 2 or the older clearance version?

joselito_rivera2 wrote:

Small box there is print it says "Reykajvik Set Ebonized" then there is a tiny sticker it says "Rejkajvik II". Which is which is it version 2 or the older clearance version?

Oof, now that's a very good question...  Weight seems to be the primary differentiator between the two versions.

"If it were easy it just wouldn't be hard." tongue.png


 It is too hard to believe how such this big company (whom I trust so much) commit errors. They even acted that I am such a rude customer. They took a bit of time to admit that there is an error (or errors)on their part. I hope it was not intentional I can understand we are just humans that sometimes commit mistakes. And i hope they are not hard to settle things. Actually I'd like to burn these pieces with fire; this not what I paid for. Not the same exact model and not the same weight. I am just controlling my cool. PLEASE NOTE: I DID NOT MENTION COMPANY NAME 


Mistakes do happen but how a company handles the problems is "where the rubber meets the road".  I would hope that having photo evidence (what you received, the printing and labels, images from their web site) and some accurate weights would be enough evidence for them to "do the right thing".

I had a similar experience with a supposedly "well-respected" vendor that ended very badly (for me) and I was absolutely furious.  I set that anger aside, presented the facts, and still lost out.  May you fare better.


Man that sucks. Company not responding tells me that they care little about customer service. $229 seems over priced to me. Royal Chess Mall sells their Fischer Spassky set for $150. Double weighted Ebonized Boxwood. In my opinion is a better looking set than the Reykjavik II set. Meaning a better looking Knight.


Yes really s@*k. Your $150 genuine ebony and boxwood 1550 grams is very much better. I chose them for $229 only ebonized was ok for me for loyalty's sake. But the  worst part they don't care and they just admitted to me that I recieved a 990 grams. And said their website was not updated. They are serious a above $200 chess pieces for less than a 1000 grams. Making me a stupid person. They offered me a 20% refund I did not accept it, how about my 80%.   cry.png.


The hassle of returning process. I never tried it if I am not wrong you cannot have a 100% refund and it is self shipment expense.  


I would request a full refund for falsely posting information on their website. Not updating is still falsely posting. I would only pay for return shipping.


I am not paying return shipping. I did not buy something to give me so much stress and inconvenience. I payed a lot of storage charges and duty and taxes (on top/ aside from US tax) of 5,500 php. I will consider 100% refund plus free return shipping. Exchange is ok. Else, they can't blame me to cut loyalty and  give them honest bad reviews.


Sorry to tell you this but if it's the shop what I think it is, they don't care about bad publicity nor do they care about overseas customer. Tax and VAT won't be reimbursed even when it's their fault. Been there done that. Twice actually.

joselito_rivera2 wrote:

I am not paying return shipping. I did not buy something to give me so much stress and inconvenience. I payed a lot of storage charges and duty and taxes (on top/ aside from US tax) of 5,500 php. I will consider 100% refund plus free return shipping. Exchange is ok. Else, they can't blame me to cut loyalty and  give them honest bad reviews.

Depending on who the vendor and transport company are, in case you return the pieces to the vendor, the vendor might work with you and the transport company to get a refund on the VAT and Import Duty. I tried it once, and it worked (Chess House & FedEx). Michael tried it twice, and it didn't work. But can't hurt to try. happy.png

To whom did you pay the VAT and Import Duty? To the vendor (who would forward the money to the transportation company), or to the transportation company?

P.S. If they sent you the wrong set, they should (a) apologize, (b) accept a return, (c) refund the cost incl. shipping and incl. VAT and Import Duty (in case you paid the VAT and Duty to the vendor they should reclaim that money themselves at the transportation company--otherwise they should help you retrieve your money from the transportation company), (d) pay for return shipping, and (e) not charge anything resembling "restocking fee". At least, that's what any civilized vendor would do. (But good luck getting your right if you are abroad.)

TheOneCalledMichael wrote:

Sorry to tell you this but if it's the shop what I think it is, they don't care about bad publicity nor do they care about overseas customer. Tax and VAT won't be reimbursed even when it's their fault. Been there done that. Twice actually.

Nope any type of business big or small; reviews and comments matter. They can never see me praising their company again. Of course I won't be  a victim twice. Once is enough.