
Databases quality control


When I first bought ChessBase BIG DB 2009 I busily set about "improving" it by adding other DBs to it from LSS, ICC, ICEG but mostly from TWIC - as in every issue from 400 on up - and only recently noticed how many dud games they include. Unfortunately you can't see all of them in all their glory like the ones that were set up with pawns on the 3rd ranks (that's what they look like in CB) don't show up that way here. And no, so far I haven't come across any duds that appear to be 960 games, although I suppose I will eventually.

I've come across some duds that were in the original DB but offhand the percentage seems to be way lower than any of the other DBs I added. Of course all the others were free and someone else went to the trouble of creating them, so I'm not complaining; just wondering how games like this slipped in


Pawns on the 3rd rank, eh? That, and the "games" you posted makes me think ChessBase has more bugs than c.c!


@AlCzervikThe first 2 games are from LSS DB, not ChessBase. The last game is from TWIC because my CB DB stops at 2009, so anything after is from TWIC or other sources.  I only investigated a tiny fraction of the DB (everything in A00, which is 1 out of 500 ECO codes used) but I'm pretty sure from what I saw so far the ChessBase DB has way fewer bugs (if you mean corrupt game scores) on a percentage basis than all the other DBs I loaded it up with, from LSS, ICC, TWIC etc. 


I love the blunder in the second game ! Better even than mine :)