
E-Board physical attribute


Greetings All,

I have a question for the owners of the various e-boards.  How strong is the center of the board?  I want to have the board out, but I have three large cats that like to lay on my chessboards.  Obviously, my solid wood (non electronic) ones are fine, but I cannot leave (for example) my Grandmaster auto-sense Excalibur set out.  So, is there any e-board that is solid in the middle.  I assume not, but maybe I will get surprised. 




I have got 3 fairly big cats and the following e-boards:

1) Millennium wooden board with ChessLink

2) Chessnut go

3) DGT Pegasus

4) Square Off Pro

Board (1) is great and very stable, the pieces are fairly small and every time it is left out I end up looking for pawns, as the cats like to play with the pieces and they end-up scattered everywhere.

Board (2) is also great and stable, but same issue, the cats like to play with the fairly small pieces.

Board (3) has big pieces but flexes a bit too much in the middle, and connectivity to play online has a lot of issue.

Board (4) I have yet to leave it out, but the pieces are big (like the DGT, it is less likely for the cats to play with them) and it lays flat so no issue with flexing.

Hope this help.

[Edit - typos]


You have quite the pair of kitties in your avatar picture - adorable.

Thank you for all of the information. While I do not currently own a eboard from Millennium, Chessnut, or DGT (although I have wanted one of their tourney boards); they are all at the top of my list in hopes I could find one that can support a cat. I had forgotten about the Square Off Pro roll-up. I am not too worried about the pieces, I know that I will need to look for them regardless of their size. happy.png


I own a DGT Centaur, and keep it well away from my cat. Too fragile.


I love your username, and avatar too. I had a pair of black cats (brothers). One long-haired, the other shorter-haired and he would sit like a black cat statue all the time.

I thought as much regarding the DGT Centaur and Pegasus boards.

wstaylor wrote:

You have quite the pair of kitties in your avatar picture - adorable.

Thank you for all of the information. While I do not currently own a eboard from Millennium, Chessnut, or DGT (although I have wanted one of their tourney boards); they are all at the top of my list in hopes I could find one that can support a cat. I had forgotten about the Square Off Pro roll-up. I am not too worried about the pieces, I know that I will need to look for them regardless of their size.

Thank you, they are 2 brothers, 2.5 years old now. Fairly big and fan of chess pieces happy.png



if you go with a wooden DGT e-board, you won't have any issues.

agatti1970 wrote:

Thank you for the information. It is quite helpful to know that I can utilize a DGT wooden tourney e-board and not have it destroyed due to one of my big boys laying on it.

wstaylor ha scritto:
agatti1970 wrote:

Thank you for the information. It is quite helpful to know that I can utilize a DGT wooden tourney e-board and not have it destroyed due to one of my big boys laying on it.

No worries youll be safe with a DGT wooden one, as it's really sturdy.