
Engraving BCE Magnetic Chessboards


I am experimenting with personalized laser engraving on BCE magnetic chessboards. It looks kinda cool, methinks ...

-Izmet Fekali

Cool; do you have any plans to bring the red/yellow board back into production? I’m also curious about the method/process you use to color/finish the squares, if you can share.
MGT88 wrote:
Cool; do you have any plans to bring the red/yellow board back into production?
I’m also curious about the method/process you use to color/finish the squares, if you can share.

You mean my prototypes? I still have some in the garage if you are interested. But be warned, they are not nearly as polished a product as the final (printed) boards.

For the prototypes I used simple red spray paint masking the boards with tape. Over that I applied 6-8 coats of shellac and that was it.

-Izmet Fekali


ifekali wrote:
MGT88 wrote:
Cool; do you have any plans to bring the red/yellow board back into production?
I’m also curious about the method/process you use to color/finish the squares, if you can share.

You mean my prototypes? I still have some in the garage if you are interested. But be warned, they are not nearly as polished a product as the final (printed) boards.

For the prototypes I used simple red spray paint masking the boards with tape. Over that I applied 6-8 coats of shellac and that was it.

-Izmet Fekali


I think the red/yellow board in this video is great for the black-stained BCE:


Thank you, my friend. Here's a non-silent video of Cindy (serial no. S1QR0000) just for you:


-Izmet Fekali



Personally, I prefer when Izmet starts with "Hello chess lovers"


How was the reception of the engraved BCE chessboards? 


I'm only doing it on request, so I guess whoever wants it is pretty happy with it.