
Jeremy Silman's "How to Reassess Your Chess. Where would you rank this book?


I purchased Jeremy Silman's, "How to Reassess Your Chess" 4th Edition on a recommendation. Has anyone heard of or read Silman? If so, how do you rank his teachings among the plethora of chess improvement books?


silman is great

lassus_dinnao wrote:

silman is great

I agree. His emphasis on imbalances becomes surprisingly intuitive as he explains


search 'reassess' here...

Good Chess Books for Beginners and Beyond...


Jeremy passed away only a few weeks ago. Sad. So many people are dropping these days. Books are instructive and I would not tell anyone to avoid a book or series if the consensus is the book and/or author are well regarded. But I find personally there is no substitute for spending hundreds of hours over the course of several years playing the game, doing puzzles and going over the games of highly rated players. (E.g. Guess the Move). Once your brain has grown its chess muscle, it has a way of intuitively seeing how weak play causes one to lose games. Silman's instruction specializes on breaking bad habits people have developed in the game. There are a lot of books written for people who are stuck on the plateau (rut) of about 1500 to 1600. "Reassess" is perhaps one of them. For me, he has a chatty approach which does not lend itself to my style of learning. But others may disagree.

nickmyakovsky wrote:

Jeremy passed away only a few weeks ago. Sad. So many people are dropping these days. Books are instructive and I would not tell anyone to avoid a book or series if the consensus is the book and/or author are well regarded. But I find personally there is no substitute for spending hundreds of hours over the course of several years playing the game, doing puzzles and going over the games of highly rated players. (E.g. Guess the Move). Once your brain has grown its chess muscle, it has a way of intuitively seeing how weak play causes one to lose games. Silman's instruction specializes on breaking bad habits people have developed in the game. There are a lot of books written for people who are stuck on the plateau (rut) of about 1500 to 1600. "Reassess" is perhaps one of them. For me, he has a chatty approach which does not lend itself to my style of learning. But others may disagree.

Much appreciated and respected comment. Thank you!


I rank it higher than Gothamchess’s book. I have Jeremy’s book. I don’t have Gothamchess’s book.I only have 2 chess books so far.

RussBell wrote:

I checked out your blog. It was the best I've ever read so far, regarding "Good Chess Books for Beginners and beyond". Thank you!


Okay so I'm scratching my head currently on page 10 of reassess your chess 4th edition


On page 10 of reassess your chess and I think the sequence is wrong in my book or I'm an idiot it goes as follows e4, c5, d4, cxd4, c3, dxc3, nxc3, nc6, nf3, d6, Bc4, Nf6, e5, dx6


E5, dxe5 but as I have it on the board there isn't anything on d5 and nothing to take its just two queen's looking at each other and I don't understand I've done it out like 10 times and keep coming to this point is it a miss print or am I missing something ANYONE PLEASE HELPPPPPP


After dxe5 after course the 2 queens will be staring at each other. There’s nothing on d5. Nobody talked about taking anything on d5.


After 7. e5, black still had his pawn on d6 which he moved on his move 5. Black's 7th move is d6xe5 (diagram). What seems to be the problem?


Check to make sure you didn't setup the board with the Black pieces on the 1st and second rank when you began placing pieces into position.


After 7...dxe5 It's White to move.

I also see (dx6) on your post, maybe you that up somehow.

eoadman wrote:

E5, dxe5 but as I have it on the board there isn't anything on d5 and nothing to take its just two queen's looking at each other and I don't understand I've done it out like 10 times and keep coming to this point is it a miss print or am I missing something ANYONE PLEASE HELPPPPPP

Check to make sure you didn't setup the board with the Black pieces on the 1st and second rank when you began placing pieces into position.