Was it Bobby Fischer Goes to War?
Looking for specific book about Fischer Spassky match
I know that's not it, thank you though.
I'm going to go back and look through covers or re-prints etc. It was a photo cover and black and white of people in suits, and I'm sure I'm remembering wrong. I'll dig deeper into the list provided with the wiki.
Thanks so much everyone.
I THINK I found it. It's an earlier version of this book here, which was re-released with all the games and analysis.
I THINK I found it. It's an earlier version of this book here, which was re-released with all the games and analysis.
That looks like a good book, thanks for posting it. Put it on my list.
Around 1995 or 1996 I received this book about the Fischer Spasky World Championship match. I was a Junior in High School and remember being enthralled by it. it wasn't a collection of games, it was written almost fiction style. The games were in the back of the book. I can't remember the name and I can't seem to find it anywhere. Do your thing internet and help me out! Please!