
Origins of my antique chess board


Hello! I have in my posession what I think to be an antique wooden chess board. It has an engraved design that looks like a kind of chinese or japanese dragon, and other decorative engravings all over the sides of the board. The back is a backgammon board and it also came with four legs to make it stand. I bought this in a garage sale many years ago, at 20$ I knew right away it was a good deal it appealed to me right away!

I’d really like to know more about my chess board. Sadly i’m new to this forum and I don’t know how to insert pictures in my post, so I’m humbly asking for your help, first to tell me how to insert pictures, and then try to determine the origins of the board. Thank you in advance for your time!


You have to wait a week before posting pictures. Welcome to the forum and


I was afraid it was because of that…I’ll be patient then, thanks for the welcome!




This looks like the board from a Balinese tourist set. I can't really say the age; I think they still make similar sets.

tmkroll wrote:

This looks like the board from a Balinese tourist set. I can't really say the age; I think they still make similar sets.


Balinese? Can you enlighten me about what that is? (Sorry english isn’t my main language), any idea how rare it is or how much it could be worth?



I don't know much about Bali, you can Google it: It's very hard to tell how rare or how much this kind of set is worth.

This one on eBay now looks pretty similar to what you have:

And you see a lot of different/lower price points for similar sets:

as well as times rarer, possibly older versions of this kind of set can go for much more in a serious chess collector auction. For instance at Christies in 2007 there was a bone version of this set from Cholet collection. I don't know what it actually sold for but it was estimated at $1,600-$2,400. Dermot Rochford has the painted wood version in his collection. I expect that one is similarly rarer and more valuable, but this is not the norm.

Also, you have just the board, so I wouldn't think it would be worth a lot. Now I've been out of the chess collecting game for many years and even when I was in it, valuing is not really an exact science, so take it with a grain of salt.



Thanks that helped a lot! I’ve seen one on etsy on the second link you posted, almost exactly like mine, it’s from Bali from around 1950’s and it goes for 700$, with the pieces of course. I have a nice set of brand new wooden pieces to go with my board so I’m just happy with that. Thanks a lot for your insight!