
Post Your Current Playing Setup


A 1978 Olímpico Argentino on a 2" Drueke. (And one of the 300 printed books with all the the games of the Chess Olympiad of 1978).  Just a few quick shots.

Here, Topalov playing bullet chess on the streets of Montevideo, using pieces like these.


that Drueke board is simply gorgeous,


Most EXCELLENT Sir Laughing!! I LOVE the flared collars and the minimalist crosses. Nice to see a lot of green still underneath as well !! I hope my latest acquisition is half as nice Wink !! Congrats -R


My current setup..

nimzomalaysian wrote:

My current setup..


Ever happened to play blitz or regular time control game in real life, I mean head 2 head?

bananamoon wrote:
nimzomalaysian wrote:

My current setup..


Ever happened to play blitz or regular time control game in real life, I mean head 2 head?

Yes, some games in college.


Here's the set up I'll be bringing to the chess club meeting this evening.

A 4" Monarch set in blood rosewood (padauk) from the House of Chess with a custom 2.125" bloodwood and maple board.

The Dimensional Table


This board and pieces came in at $130 US including shipping.

The board is maple, mahogony from HOS.

The pieces from thechessmall on eBay.

Bawker wrote:

Street Fighter setups?  Can you elaborate?  I'm not familiar with whatever that is...