
Show us your everyday chess set


Mine is my Latvian made in Ukraine by Retromaximum from Etsy on my Royalchessmall solid wood board.  I have seven wooden sets total, but I am partial to this one while at home.  The pieces are weighted but not much.  Total weight is about 24 oz. for the set, but they are very stable due to their wide bases and thin tops.  For its box, I felted the inside of a jewelry box.  If my house catches fire, this is the set I grab after saving the cats grin.png

These inspire me to play and study.  When I get home from work, these come out.

@Bombur - I love that set. I’ve had my eye on this ‘style’ for a while now. What made you chose this seller specifically?

Lovely set, look very nice on that board. 

Love the storage box. Hobby Lobby?

I have 3 similar ones for sets, although mine do not have felt in them, I just left them plain. 


I try and rotate through sets for my "daily". 

I just set up my "Butters" for daily use (on a simple mousepad board), been using my Philippines set I got from @EfimLG47 last month. I try and take them all out sometime during the year just to check them, some of them are not really "everyday" sets. 

Rsava hat geschrieben:

I try and rotate through sets for my "daily". 

I just set up my "Butters" for daily use (on a simple mousepad board), been using my Philippines set I got from @EfimLG47 last month. I try and take them all out sometime during the year just to check them, some of them are not really "everyday" sets. 

@Rsava, thanks for the shoutout!

EfimLG47 wrote:
Rsava hat geschrieben:

I try and rotate through sets for my "daily". 

I just set up my "Butters" for daily use (on a simple mousepad board), been using my Philippines set I got from @EfimLG47 last month. I try and take them all out sometime during the year just to check them, some of them are not really "everyday" sets. 

@Rsava, thanks for the shoutout!


Quite welcome, it is a lovely set. I have played a number of games with it and it plays wonderfully. You were a pleasure to deal with. 

Krames wrote:
@Bombur - I love that set. I’ve had my eye on this ‘style’ for a while now. What made you chose this seller specifically?

The reviewers pictures for RetroMaximum looked just like the ad pics.  Buying online is always a chance.  I bet many of you already know that usually the ad pictures look much better than what you get in the mail.  The set I recieved look just like the pictures on Etsy.  ERWoodLeatherShop also makes a fantastic Latvian set.  They make to order from what I could tell and they cost a little more since they charge shipping of $40.   I do plan to buy a set from them in the future.

Krames wrote:
@Bombur - I love that set. I’ve had my eye on this ‘style’ for a while now. What made you chose this seller specifically?

Thank you.

Yes, I bought the box at Hobby Lobby.  I wanted one that alowed the pieces to all stand while stored and this one fit the bill.


My everyday set (at least for the remainder of the world championship) has been from World Chess on a basic walnut 50mm square Rechapados Ferrer board with my beloved narrow borders:


I call this one the Mexican Drueke set. The name is because of where I got it from and it is heavily designed after the classic Players Choice #36 Drueke set. 

Bombur19 wrote:

Mine is my Latvian made in Ukraine by Retromaximum from Etsy on my Royalchessmall solid wood board.  I have seven wooden sets total, but I am partial to this one while at home.  The pieces are weighted but not much.  Total weight is about 24 oz. for the set, but they are very stable due to their wide bases and thin tops.  For its box, I felted the inside of a jewelry box.  If my house catches fire, this is the set I grab after saving the cats

These inspire me to play and study.  When I get home from work, these come out.

Love this set!! Mind sharing a link to it on the Etsy?? happy.png



I believe if you search for Retromaximum then select the "find shop names ..." it'll pop right up.



The following link takes you to the Etsy listing:

It appears that he is sold out for that set at this time.


Another good selller for that style of chess set is by ERWoodLeatherShop




Bombur - Thanks for the links! Will keep checking for stock. Really love the look of these sets!!


The Latvian and Tal sets from Retromaximum have been in my Etsy Favorites list for quite some time. He does custom orders as well. For instance, if you want a Tal set with "blind" eyeless Knights. Or if you want unstained white pieces instead of red stained. Just be sure to note the set weights. They vary between styles. Nothing wrong with lightly weighted sets. Just be aware of what you're getting. Enjoy!


Funny, I've been eye-balling the blind knight tal's over a noj's site for a while. I'm in line for a Minceta set sometime next year but keep wondering if I should swtich it up.

Is there an interesting back story to the eyeless knights? 


grownupboy wrote:

Funny, I've been eye-balling the blind knight tal's over a noj's site for a while. I'm in line for a Minceta set sometime next year but keep wondering if I should swtich it up.

Is there an interesting back story to the eyeless knights? 


For me personally, I find the eyes on some sets with very abstract Knights (especially the Tal set) to be a bit cartoony. Oh,, and maybe also lose the nostrils on the Tal Knights. Just go all out with the abstract form. I totally get that it might sound odd for many people. Complete personal preference! 

Woah woah woah... Didn't you sell your personal Minceta set last year? It's such a rare occurrence that I totally remember it. Now you're buying it back? Change of heart? thumbup.png


I did sell my Minceta last year - COVID shutdowns lasted longer than my 6 month safety net and I had to liquidate a few assets to stay afloat. I regret letting that set go almost every day but was my only option at the time. sad.png 

The good news is that I'm back on solid ground and can treat myself to a new lovely set... Been about 6 months since I ordered the new Minceta and according to Gregor I'm looking at next summer for delivery. Youch!!

I'm like you - kind of dig the eyeless ones but was wondering if the original Tal sets have no eyes? So curious what the story is there...


grownupboy wrote:

I did sell my Minceta last year - COVID shutdowns lasted longer than my 6 month safety net and I had to liquidate a few assets to stay afloat. I regret letting that set go almost every day but was my only option at the time.  

The good news is that I'm back on solid ground and can treat myself to a new lovely set...

I totally get and respect that. Great to hear you are back above water. It's good to know that Noj sets are liquid assets. You can easily sell the set at little to no loss in an emergency. happy.png