
Solution for DGT board on


I have problems castling with the dgt bord... when moving my king two fields (to the right or to the left) it won't move on Is there a solution for it ? I tried by moving my rook first but also this is not working.

KennyV2340 wrote:

I have problems castling with the dgt bord... when moving my king two fields (to the right or to the left) it won't move on Is there a solution for it ? I tried by moving my rook first but also this is not working.

Hi, I've used this extension for the first time today and I just moved the king two squares, without touching the rook and castles registered on before I even touched the rook.

androp wrote:
CFossa wrote:


If you've been trying to use a DGT board with for the past couple of years, it has been frustrating at best. Many of us gave up and only used DGT with Lichess.

I recently received an email from Millennium Chess advertising a new Chrome extension that works with their boards. It is called Chessconect. I checked it out, and it also has support for DGT!

I just tried this with my DGT board and it worked great! I've only played two games against the bots (something that was not possible before on, and one live unrated game. But so far it has worked flawlessly!

This may be the solution DGT owners have been waiting for to use their boards on!

Hope it works for you as well as it did for me.

p.s. I have nothing to do with this Chrome extension - just a happy user so far


Curious which DGT version you have? Chessconnect doesn't work with my USB mini version, however, I've ordered an upgrade kit for USB-C anyway, which should resolve the issue. More of a curiosity. Cheers

I got a message from Jörn, author of the extension, today stating he will be looking at supporting the usb mini boards in the future.